Tuesday 23 April 2024


Social Studies 9B -  Started to review the "What if" statements, but most students did not complete the work; instead, students took notes about Competition on page 212.  Students completed the Comparison chart for the doughnut shops, and wrote a paragraph about which doughnut shop will be successful.We will finish reviewing next class.

 Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the "What if" statements. Students took notes about Competition on page 212.  Students completed the Comparison chart for the doughnut shops, and wrote a paragraph about which doughnut shop will be successful.We will review next class.

 Social Studies 9E - As a class we completed a worksheet about identifying the type of economy and whether a statement represents a shift left, or a shift right.

Monday 22 April 2024

Social Studies 9B - Finished watching a video about how America responds to the Great Depression. Reviewed the video questions.  Students took notes about supply and demand on p. 209-210.  Watched a video about a supply and demand scenario.  For homework, students are to complete the "What if" statements showing the resultant effect for supply, demand, or price.  (identify next two events) (use page 210-211 to guide you)

 Social Studies 9C - Students took notes about supply and demand on p. 209-210.  Watched a video about a supply and demand scenario.  For homework, students are to complete the "What if" statements showing the resultant effect for supply, demand, or price.  (identify next two events) (use page 210-211 to guide you)

 Social Studies 9E - Finished looking at the comparisons between Canadian and American economies and completing the chart (pages 208-208) that was handed out in class.


Thursday 18 April 2024

Social Studies 9B - Discussed "Crown Corporations" on page 207.  Began to watch a video about how America responds to the Great Depression.

 Social Studies 9C - Students continued to take notes about Canadian and American economies compared (p. 205-208)

 Social Studies 9E - Students wrote the Basic Economics quiz today.  Began to look at the comparisons between Canadian and American economies.


Wednesday 17 April 2024

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the worksheet: "What's the best way to achieve the public good?".  Unfortunately, only 5 students had finished their work.  We will finish next class.

 Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the worksheet: "What's the best way to achieve the public good?". 

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the three economic system, vocabulary words to prepare for the quiz tomorrow. ****Students should prepare for a quiz on Thursday, April 18/24 for the material from the beginning of the chapter up to p. 204****


Tuesday 16 April 2024

Social Studies 9B -  Students wrote the Basic Economics Quiz today.  Finished reviewing the worksheet: "Mixed, Market, or Centrally Planned?".  Students took notes about the Public Good (p. 205). For homework, students are to read pages 205-209 and complete the worksheet: "What's the best way to achieve the public good?".

 Social Studies 9C -  Students wrote the Basic Economics Quiz today.  Finished reviewing the worksheet: "Mixed, Market, or Centrally Planned?".  Students took notes about the Public Good (p. 205). For homework, students are to read pages 205-209 and complete the worksheet: "What's the best way to achieve the public good?".*****Basic economics quiz on Tuesday, April 16/24 (pages 194-204)****

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the chart (9 blanks) from last day.  Students completed a review sheet identifying different economic systems. ****Students should prepare for a quiz on Thursday, April 18/24 for the material from the beginning of the chapter up to p. 204****

Monday 15 April 2024

Social Studies 9B -  Began to review the worksheet: "Mixed, Market, or Centrally Planned?" We will continue next class.  ******Basic economics quiz on Tuesday, April 16/24 (pages 194-204)****

 Social Studies 9C -  Began to review the worksheet: "Mixed, Market, or Centrally Planned?" We will continue next class.  ******Basic economics quiz on Tuesday, April 16/24 (pages 194-204)****

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed page 204.  Students worked on completing the chart (9 blanks) (using p. 204) - this should be completed for next class.


Friday 12 April 2024

 Social Studies 9B -  Completed the splashdown list from last day.  Students took notes from page 204.  For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: "Mixed, Market, or Centrally Planned?" for next class.  ******Basic economics quiz on Tuesday, April 16/24 (pages 194-204)****

 Social Studies 9C -  Completed the splashdown list from last day.  Students took notes from page 204.  For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: "Mixed, Market, or Centrally Planned?" for next class.  ******Basic economics quiz on Tuesday, April 16/24 (pages 194-204)****

 Social Studies 9E -  Completed  the chart illustrating the characteristics for economic systems (using p. 204).