Thursday, 19 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Students wrote the chapter 2 exam today.  Handed out the ch. 3 objectives.  After the exam, students read pages 88-95, and completed questions 1-7 on the handout sheet.
Social Studies 9C  - Students wrote the chapter 2 exam today.  

 Social Studies 9E  - Students wrote the chapter 2 exam today.  Handed out the ch. 3 objectives.  After the exam, students read pages 88-95, and completed questions 1-7 on the handout sheet.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  No Class today due to Citadel play.  ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***
Social Studies 9C  - No Class today due to Citadel play. ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***

 Social Studies 9E  - Media literacy skills.  The class looked at developing skills to identify credible news sources. ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Reviewed advocacy groups.  Watched a video about the John Howard Society.  students read an article and completed a recap sheet for advocacy groups. ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***
Social Studies 9C  - Reviewed advocacy groups.  Watched a video about the John Howard Society.  students read an article and completed a recap sheet for advocacy groups. ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***

 Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed advocacy groups.  Watched a video about the John Howard Society.  students read an article and completed a recap sheet for advocacy groups. ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***

Monday, 16 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  NO CLASS TODAY.  Reviewed/analyzed the 4 youth justice cartoons. Students handed in the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon" for formative review. Reviewed how citizens can be involved in the judicial system. Covered pages 78-79. For homework, students are read pages 80-85 and complete the worksheet handed out in class.  Ch. 2 study guide handed out today. ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***
Social Studies 9C  - Reviewed/ the worksheet handed out in class (up to sections II. Advocacy Groups) .  Discussed/took notes on Advocacy groups.  For homework, students are to read pages 82-85 and complete the questions (sections II) on Advocacy Groups.  Handed back formative cartoon analysis.  ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***

 Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed/ the worksheet handed out in class (up to sections II. Advocacy Groups) .  Discussed/took notes on Advocacy groups.  For homework, students are to read pages 82-85 and complete the questions (sections II) on Advocacy Groups.  Handed back formative cartoon analysis.  ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***

Friday, 13 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  -   Reviewed/analyzed the 4 youth justice cartoons. Students handed in the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon" for formative review. Reviewed how citizens can be involved in the judicial system. Covered pages 78-79. For homework, students are read pages 80-85 and complete the worksheet handed out in class.  Ch. 2 study guide handed out today. ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***
Social Studies 9C  - Reviewed/analyzed the 4 youth justice cartoons. Students handed in the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon" for formative review. Reviewed how citizens can be involved in the judicial system. Covered pages 78-79. For homework, students are read pages 80-81 and complete the worksheet handed out in class (up to sections II. Advocacy Groups)  Ch. 2 study guide handed out today. ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***

 Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed/analyzed the 4 youth justice cartoons. Students handed in the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon" for formative review. Reviewed how citizens can be involved in the judicial system. Covered pages 78-79. For homework, students are read pages 80-81 and complete the worksheet handed out in class (up to sections II. Advocacy Groups)  Ch. 2 study guide handed out today. ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  -   Reviewed editorial cartoons on pages 74.  Looked at several examples of political cartoons.  Students began to analyze the 4 youth justice cartoons during class. For homework, students are to complete the cartoon analysis and the worksheet "Examining and editorial cartoon" for next class.***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***
Social Studies 9C  - Reviewed editorial cartoons on pages 74.  Looked at several examples of political cartoons.  Students began to analyze the 4 youth justice cartoons during class. For homework, students are to complete the cartoon analysis and the worksheet "Examining and editorial cartoon" for next class. ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***

 Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed editorial cartoons on pages 74.  Looked at several examples of political cartoons.  Students began to analyze the 4 youth justice cartoons during class. For homework, students are to complete the cartoon analysis and the worksheet "Examining and editorial cartoon" for next class. ***Chapter 2 exam on Thursday, December 19***

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  -   Reviewed the 4 newspaper articles on pages 72-73. 
Social Studies 9C  - Reviewed the 4 newspaper articles on pages 72-73. 

 Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed the 4 newspaper articles on pages 72-73.  Began to look at editorial cartoons on page 74.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  -   Reviewed the worksheet: Myths about youth crime in Canada.  Students worked in partners to complete the review of the 4 newspaper articles on pages 72-73.  This worksheet is due for next class.

 Social Studies 9C  - Reviewed the worksheet: Myths about youth crime in Canada.  Students worked in partners to complete the review of the 4 newspaper articles on pages 72-73.  This worksheet is due for next class.

 Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed the worksheet: Myths about youth crime in Canada.  Students worked in partners to complete the review of the 4 newspaper articles on pages 72-73.  This worksheet is due for next class.

Monday, 9 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  -   NO CLASS TODAY. Students worked to complete the "In class written response" for the Case of the Microwave Cat.  Responses were due at the end of class.  In the second period, the class reviewed how to read charts and graphs, and examined the graph on page 71.  Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet: Myths about youth crime in Canada.  This worksheet is due next class.

 Social Studies 9C  - Reviewed how to read charts and graphs; examined the graph on page 71.  Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet: Myths about youth crime in Canada.  This worksheet is due next class.

 Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed how to read charts and graphs; examined the graph on page 71.  Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet: Myths about youth crime in Canada.  This worksheet is due next class.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

ocial Studies 9B  -   Students worked to complete the "In class written response" for the Case of the Microwave Cat.  Responses were due at the end of class.  In the second period, the class reviewed how to read charts and graphs, and examined the graph on page 71.  Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet: Myths about youth crime in Canada.  This worksheet is due next class.

 Social Studies 9C  -  Students worked to complete the "In class written response" for the Case of the Microwave Cat.  Responses were due at the end of class.

 Social Studies 9E  - Students worked to complete the "In class written response" for the Case of the Microwave Cat.  Responses were due at the end of class.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  -   Each of the student presented their groups' sentences and sentence rationale.  The actual verdict was revealed.

 Social Studies 9C  -  Each of the student presented their groups' sentences and sentence rationale.  The actual verdict was revealed.

 Social Studies 9E  - Each of the student presented their groups' sentences and sentence rationale.  The actual verdict was revealed.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Students worked in groups to decide upon a sentence for the Case Study presented in class.  Students will present their groups' sentences tomorrow in class.

 Social Studies 9C  -  Students worked in groups to decide upon a sentence for the Case Study presented in class.  Students will present their groups' sentences tomorrow in class.

 Social Studies 9E  - Students worked in groups to decide upon a sentence for the Case Study presented in class.  Students will present their groups' sentences tomorrow in class.

Monday, 2 December 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Students wrote the YCJA process quiz today.  Reviewed the video sheet from last class. Reviewed the YCJA objectives chart from last week (recap chart p. 70).  Students took notes in preparation for the group activity for tomorrow's class.

 Social Studies 9C  -  Students wrote the YCJA process quiz today.  Reviewed the video sheet from last class. Reviewed the YCJA objectives chart from last week (recap chart p. 70).  Students took notes in preparation for the group activity for tomorrow's class.

 Social Studies 9E  - Students wrote the YCJA process quiz today.  Reviewed the video sheet from last class. Reviewed the YCJA objectives chart from last week (recap chart p. 70).  Students took notes in preparation for the group activity for tomorrow's class. 

Friday, 29 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  NO CLASS TODAY.....Reviewed the ch. 1 exam.  Read the interview with the former Justice minister on page 69.  Students had time to begin the worksheet about the YCJA Objectives on page 70  (to be completed for next class).  Watched a video about the YCJA and completed the accompanying worksheet.  ****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-68) on Monday, December 2/19***

 Social Studies 9C  -  Watched a video about the YCJA and completed the accompanying worksheet.  YCJA Objectives (page 70) worksheet.  (to be completed for next class)****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-67) on Monday, December 2/19***

 Social Studies 9E  - Watched a video about the YCJA and completed the accompanying worksheet.  YCJA Objectives (page 70) worksheet.  (to be completed for next class)****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-67) on Monday, December 2/19**

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Reviewed the ch. 1 exam.  Read the interview with the former Justice minister on page 69.  Students had time to begin the worksheet about the YCJA Objectives on page 70  (to be completed for next class).  Watched a video about the YCJA and completed the accompanying worksheet.  ****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-68) on Monday, December 2/19***

 Social Studies 9C  -  Reviewed the ch. 1 exam.  Read the interview with the former Justice minister on page 69.  Students had time to begin the worksheet about the YCJA Objectives on page 70  (to be completed for next class)****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-67) on Monday, December 2/19***

 Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed the ch. 1 exam.  Read the interview with the former Justice minister on page 69.  Students had time to begin the worksheet about the YCJA Objectives on page 70  (to be completed for next class) ****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-67) on Monday, December 2/19**

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Finished reviewing the material on pages 66-68.  Students took notes on the flow chart.  ****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-68) on Monday, December 2/19***

 Social Studies 9C  -  Finished reviewing the material on pages 66-68.  Students took notes on the flow chart. ****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-67) on Monday, December 2/19***

 Social Studies 9E  - Finished reviewing the material on pages 66-68.  Students took notes on the flow chart. ****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-67) on Monday, December 2/19***

****Last day to submit late assignments:  Wednesday, Nov. 26/19 - 3:10 pm***

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Continued with reviewing the flow chart on pages 66-67.  ****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-67) on Monday, December 2/19***

 Social Studies 9C  -  Continued with reviewing the flow chart on pages 66-67.  ****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-67) on Monday, December 2/19***

 Social Studies 9E  - Continued with reviewing the flow chart on pages 66-67.  ****YCJA process quiz (pages 66-67) on Monday, December 2/19***

****Last day to submit late assignments:  Wednesday, Nov. 26/19 - 3:10 pm*** 

Monday, 25 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Reviewed the questions appearing on pages 60-63; reviewed the venn diagram (handout) comparing the YCJA with the CCC from page 64. Began to review the background of the YCJA.

 Social Studies 9C  -  Reviewed the questions appearing on pages 60-63; reviewed the venn diagram (handout) comparing the YCJA with the CCC from page 64. Began to review the background of the YCJA.

 Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed the questions appearing on pages 60-63; reviewed the venn diagram (handout) comparing the YCJA with the CCC from page 64. Began to review the background of the YCJA.

Friday, 22 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  NO CLASS TODAY. Students handed in their speeches today.  Finished notes on Fair vs. Equitable.  Discussed quotes on page 57.  Student took notes on symbols of justice. Students had time to read pages 60-63, read page 64 and complete the venn diagram (handout) comparing the YCJA with the CCC.  (this is to be completed for next class).

********Government Persuasive Speech due: Thursday, Nov. 21/19.****

Social Studies 9C  -  Students handed in their speeches today. Student finished notes on symbols of justice. Discussed material on page 60. Students had time to read pages 61-63, read page 64 and complete the venn diagram (handout) comparing the YCJA with the CCC.  (this is to be completed for next class).

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Social Studies 9E  - Students handed in their speeches today. Student fi10-63, read page 64 and complete the venn diagram (handout) comparing the YCJA with the CCC.  (this is to be completed for next class).

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Students handed in their speeches today.  Finished notes on Fair vs. Equitable.  Discussed quotes on page 57.  Student took notes on symbols of justice. Students had time to read pages 60-63, read page 64 and complete the venn diagram (handout) comparing the YCJA with the CCC.  (this is to be completed for next class).

********Government Persuasive Speech due: Thursday, Nov. 21/19.****

Social Studies 9C  -  Finished notes on Fair vs. Equitable.  Discussed quotes on page 57.  Student took notes on symbols of justice.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Social Studies 9E  - Finished notes on Fair vs. Equitable.  Discussed quotes on page 57.  Student took notes on symbols of justice.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Reviewed student responses on the worksheet: What is Justice. Discussion about fair vs. equitable.

********Government Persuasive Speech due: Thursday, Nov. 21/19.****

Social Studies 9C  -  Reviewed student responses on the worksheet: What is Justice. Discussion about fair vs. equitable.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed student responses on the worksheet: What is Justice. Discussion about fair vs. equitable.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Reviewed terminology about Fair vs. Equitable.  Worked through different interactive scenarios to understand what makes a situation fair or equitable.  Students had class time to complete the Justice/Injustice worksheet.  Began to review student responses.

********Government Persuasive Speech due: Thursday, Nov. 21/19.****

Social Studies 9C  -  Reviewed terminology about Fair vs. Equitable.  Worked through different interactive scenarios to understand what makes a situation fair or equitable.  Students had class time to complete the Justice/Injustice worksheet.  Began to review student responses.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed terminology about Fair vs. Equitable.  Worked through different interactive scenarios to understand what makes a situation fair or equitable.  Students had class time to complete the Justice/Injustice worksheet.  Began to review student responses.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Monday, 18 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Began ch. 2 today.  Handed out chapter learning objectives.  Read p. 56. Students completed and reviewed a justice quiz today.

********Government Persuasive Speech due: Thursday, Nov. 21/19.****

Social Studies 9C  -  Began ch. 2 today.  Handed out chapter learning objectives.  Read p. 56. Students completed and reviewed a justice quiz today.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Social Studies 9E  - Began ch. 2 today.  Handed out chapter learning objectives.  Read p. 56. Students completed and reviewed a justice quiz today.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Friday, 15 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  NO CLASS TODAY. Students began work on the Government Speech.  Students had research time today.  Students completed the StudentVote survey today.

********Government Persuasive Speech due: Thursday, Nov. 21/19.****

Social Studies 9C  -  Students had research time today.  Students completed the StudentVote survey today.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Social Studies 9E  - Students had research time today.  Students completed the StudentVote survey today.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Students began work on the Government Speech.  Students had research time today.  Students completed the StudentVote survey today.

********Government Persuasive Speech due: Thursday, Nov. 21/19.****

Social Studies 9C  - Students began work on the Government Speech.  Students are to complete the "Let's get started!" section for next class.  Next class will be a research/work class for the speech.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Social Studies 9E  - Students began work on the Government Speech.  Students are to complete the "Let's get started!" section for next class.  Next class will be a research/work class for the speech.

 ********Government Persuasive Speech due: Friday, Nov. 22/19.****

Friday, 8 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Students handed in their Government questions which were due today.  Students did a lesson on media sources.

Social Studies 9C  - Students handed in their Government questions which were due today.  Students did a lesson on media sources.

Social Studies 9E  - NO CLASS TODAY due to Remembrance Day ceremony. Students handed in their Government Questions in home room.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Students wrote the Chapter 1 exam today. ***Government questions due: Friday, Nov. 8/19*** 

Social Studies 9C  Students wrote the Chapter 1 exam today. ***Government questions due: Friday, Nov. 8/19***

Social Studies 9E  Students wrote the Chapter 1 exam today. ***Government questions due: Friday, Nov. 8/19***

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  -  Remembrance Day lesson about WW1, and WW2. ***Government questions due: Friday, Nov. 8/19***

****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Social Studies 9C  - Remembrance Day lesson about WW1, and WW2. ***Government questions due: Friday, Nov. 8/19***
****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Social Studies 9E  Remembrance Day lesson about WW1, and WW2. ***Government questions due: Friday, Nov. 8/19***
****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  - NO CLASS TODAY, Reviewed questions 61-67 in the booklet. and finished reviewing Lobbyists.  Watched a video about the negative side of Lobbyists.  Students had class time to work on a review fill-in-the-blank worksheet.  Began to review the answers.  Students were given the summative Canadian Government Questions and had class time to work on the them today. ***Government questions due: Friday, Nov. 8/19***

****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Social Studies 9C  - Reviewed the fill-in-the blank review questions.  Students were given the summative Canadian Government Questions and had class time to work on the them today. ***Government questions due: Friday, Nov. 8/19***
****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Social Studies 9E  Reviewed the fill-in-the blank review questions.  Students were given the summative Canadian Government Questions and had class time to work on the them today. ***Government questions due: Friday, Nov. 8/19***
****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Monday, 4 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed questions 61-67 in the booklet. and finished reviewing Lobbyists.  Watched a video about the negative side of Lobbyists.  Students had class time to work on a review fill-in-the-blank worksheet.  Began to review the answers.  Students were given the summative Canadian Government Questions and had class time to work on the them today. ***Government questions due: Friday, Nov. 9/19***

****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed questions 61-67 in the booklet. and finished reviewing Lobbyists.  Watched a 2 videos about Lobbyists.  Handed out the review fill-in-the-blank worksheet. Will review answers tomorrow. 
****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Social Studies 9E  Reviewed questions 61-67 in the booklet. and finished reviewing Lobbyists.  Watched a video about the negative side of Lobbyists.  Students had class time to work on a review fill-in-the-blank worksheet.  Began to review the answers.  
****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Friday, 1 November 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed the front page of the media sheet. Introduced Lobbyists (page 51). For homework, students are to read pages 51-53 in the textbook and complete questions 61-67 in the booklet.
****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed the front page of the media sheet. For homework, students are to read pages 51-53 in the textbook and complete questions 61-67 in the booklet.

****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Social Studies 9E  Reviewed the front page of the media sheet. Introduced Lobbyists (page 51). Watched a video about how to lobby. For homework, students are to read pages 51-53 in the textbook and complete questions 61-67 in the booklet.

****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed  questions 50-60 in the booklet. Finished watching various media sources.  For homework, students are to complete the reading of the two articles about Stephen Harper singing; complete the chart for media analysis.  Students are also to complete the front page of the media sheet.

****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed  questions 50-60 in the booklet. Finished watching various media sources.  For homework, students are to complete the reading of the two articles about Stephen Harper singing; complete the chart for media analysis.  Students are also to complete the front page of the media sheet.

****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Social Studies 9E  Reviewed  questions 50-60 in the booklet. Finished watching various media sources.  For homework, students are to complete the reading of the two articles about Stephen Harper singing; complete the chart for media analysis.  Students are also to complete the front page of the media sheet.

****Chapter 1 Exam on Thursday, November 7, 2019*****

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed pages 44-45 in the text book.  Began to look at Media (p. 46 textbook). Began to analyze media (watched 1 video) will continue tomorrow.  For homework, students are to complete questions 50-60 in the booklet.

Social Studies 9C  Finished reviewing the chart: Branches of Government. Reviewed pages 44-45 in the text book. For homework, students are to complete questions 50-60 in the booklet.

Social Studies 9E  Reviewed pages 44-45 in the text book.  Began to look at Media (p. 46 textbook). Began to analyze media (watched 3 videos) will continue tomorrow.  For homework, students are to complete questions 50-60 in the booklet.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - NO CLASS TODAY. Students wrote quiz on Roles and Processes today.  Reviewed the Introduction Exam. Completed and reviewed the chart about the Branches of Government.

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed the chart about the Branches of Government. For homework, students are to read pages 44-45 in the text book.

Social Studies 9E  Began to review the chart about the Branches of Government (only 5 students finished this chart).  Finished the bottom 2 squares about pros and cons of appointment on the FPTP sheet. Students worked in groups to complete the worksheet: Branches of Government.  This is to be completed for homework.

Monday, 28 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Students wrote quiz on Roles and Processes today.  Reviewed the Introduction Exam. Completed and reviewed the chart about the Branches of Government.

Social Studies 9C  Students wrote quiz on Roles and Processes today.  Reviewed the Introduction Exam.

Social Studies 9E  Students wrote quiz on Roles and Processes today.  Reviewed the Introduction Exam. Students worked to complete the chart about the Branches of Government (this chart is to be finished for tomorrow's class.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Students wrote a formative quiz today on the branches of the federal government in preparation for Monday's quiz.  Reviewed  worksheet: Representation: Election vs. Appointment.  Began to complete the worksheet: Branches of the Federal System.  (to be completed for Monday's class. ***Roles & Processes Quiz on Monday, October 28th***

Social Studies 9C  -  Students wrote a formative quiz today on the branches of the federal government in preparation for Monday's quiz.  Students quickly reviewed with a partner their paragraphs about passing a bill.  Students were given the worksheet: Representation: Election vs. Appointment (completed the first row together).***Roles & Processes Quiz on Monday, October 28th***

Social Studies 9E  Students wrote a formative quiz today on the branches of the federal government in preparation for Monday's quiz.  Reviewed  worksheet: Representation: Election vs. Appointment.  Began to complete the worksheet: Branches of the Federal System.  (to be completed for Monday's class. ***Roles & Processes Quiz on Monday, October 28th***

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed the written paragraph about how a bill is passed.  Discussed election vs. appointment (critical thinking).  Students worked in groups to complete the worksheet: Representation: Election vs. Appointment.  Worksheet is to be completed for tomorrow. ***Roles & Processes Quiz on Monday, October 28th***

Social Studies 9C  -   Reviewed questions 43-49 in the booklet. Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet "I can understand how a bill becomes law".  Students completed the fill in the blank section with a partner, and completed the paragraph on their own.  Students reviewed the paragraph with a partner and made changes. ***Roles & Processes Quiz on Monday, October 28th***

Social Studies 9E  Reviewed the paragraph from last day about passing a bill with a partner. Discussed election vs. appointment (critical thinking).  Students worked in groups to complete the worksheet: Representation: Election vs. Appointment. Began to review the worksheet; will continue tomorrow.  ***Roles & Processes Quiz on Monday, October 28th***

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Discussed the StudentVote results. Reviewed questions 43-49 in the booklet. Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet "I can understand how a bill becomes law".  Students are to complete both the front of the worksheet and the paragraph on the reverse side for next class.

Social Studies 9C  -   Finished taking notes about passing a bill on pages 40-41. For homework, students are to read pages 42-43, and complete questions 43-49 in the booklet.

Social Studies 9E  Reviewed questions 43-49 in the booklet. Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet "I can understand how a bill becomes law".  Students are to complete the paragraph on the reverse side for next class.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed questions 37-42 in the review booklet.  Read the material on pages 38-39. Students took notes about passing a bill on pages 40-41.  Watched videos about the House of Commons and the Prime Minister and Cabinet. For homework, students are to read pages 42-43, and complete questions 43-49 in the review booklet.

Social Studies 9C  Discussed the StudentVote results. Students took notes about passing a bill on pages 40-41. (Will continue with the report stage next class)

Social Studies 9E  Discussed the StudentVote results. Finished taking notes about passing a bill on pages 40-41. For homework, students are to read pages 42-43, and complete questions 43-49 in the booklet.

Friday, 18 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed questions 37-42 in the review booklet.  Read the material on pages 38-39. Students took notes about passing a bill on pages 40-41.  Watched videos about the House of Commons and the Prime Minister and Cabinet. For homework, students are to read pages 42-43, and complete questions 43-49 in the review booklet.

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed questions 37-42 in the review booklet. Finished notes about the Senate (p. 35).  Began to read pages 38-39 about the Federal Accountability Act.

Social Studies 9E  Reviewed questions 37-42 in the review booklet.  Read the material on pages 38-39. Students began to take notes about passing a bill on pages 40-41.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed questions 25-35 in the review booklet. Reviewed proper way to mark a ballot for tomorrow's StudentVote. Watched a video about the Speech From the Throne. Covered page 35 about the Senate.  Students took notes.  For homework, students are to complete questions 37-42 in the review booklet, and complete the remaining squares about appointment Pros and Cons on the FPTP worksheet.

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed questions 25-35 in the review booklet. Reviewed proper way to mark a ballot for tomorrow's StudentVote. Watched a video about the Speech From the Throne. Covered page 35 about the Senate.  Students took notes.  For homework, students are to complete questions 37-42 in the review booklet.

Social Studies 9E  Reviewed questions 25-35 in the review booklet. Reviewed proper way to mark a ballot for tomorrow's StudentVote. Watched a video about the Speech From the Throne. Covered page 35 about the Senate.  Students took notes.  For homework, students are to complete questions 37-42 in the review booklet.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Covered the Senate (pages 31-34)  Students took notes about the Senate and Senate reform. For homework, students are to complete questions 25-35 in the review booklet.

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed questions 20-25 in the review booklet. Covered the Senate (pages 31-34)  Students took notes about the Senate and Senate reform. For homework, students are to complete questions 26-35 in the review booklet.

Social Studies 9E  Reviewed questions 20-25 in the review booklet. Covered the Senate (pages 31-34)  Students took notes about the Senate and Senate reform. For homework, students are to complete questions 26-35 in the review booklet.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed the graphing results for FPTP vs Popular Vote.  Completed the first 4 squares on page 3 of the worksheet.  Discussed coalition governments (advantages/disadvantages).  Watched a video about majority and minority governments. Watched videos about FPTP, and the  problems with FPTP.

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed the graphing results for FPTP vs Popular Vote.  Completed the first 4 squares on page 3 of the worksheet.  Discussed coalition governments (advantages/disadvantages).  Watched a video about majority and minority governments. Watched videos about FPTP, and the  problems with FPTP.  **for homework, students are to complete up to question 25 in the booklet.

Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed the graphing results for FPTP vs Popular Vote.  Completed the first 4 squares on page 3 of the worksheet.  Discussed coalition governments (advantages/disadvantages).  Watched a video about majority and minority governments. Watched videos about FPTP, and the  problems with FPTP.  **for homework, students are to complete up to question 25 in the booklet.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - NO CLASS TODAY. Students handed in their Candidate research. Reviewed pages 29-30 discussed popular vote vs. FPTP.  Watched a video about a vote of non-confidence.  Students began to create a graph of FPTP vs. popular vote.  (due next class).  Students should make observations about the two systems.

Social Studies 9C  -   FPTP vs. popular vote.  (due next class).  Students should make observations about the two systems.

Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed electoral system of FPTP and Popular vote (p.30).  For homework, students are to complete the colouring of FPTP vs. popular vote.  (due next class).  Students should make observations about the two systems.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Students handed in their Candidate research. Reviewed pages 29-30 discussed popular vote vs. FPTP.  Watched a video about a vote of non-confidence.  Students began to create a graph of FPTP vs. popular vote.  (due next class).  Students should make observations about the two systems.

Social Studies 9C  Students handed in their Candidate research. Reviewed pages 29-30 discussed popular vote vs. FPTP.

Social Studies 9E  - Students handed in their Candidate research. Reviewed pages 29-30 discussed popular vote vs. FPTP. 

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Candidate research today.  Students are to complete the candidate worksheet and then complete the interactive: Youth Vote Compass to see where their views match up with political parties. ***Candidate Research due Tomorrow.

Social Studies 9C  Candidate research today.  Students are to complete the candidate worksheet and then complete the interactive: Youth Vote Compass to see where their views match up with political parties.  ***Candidate Research due Tomorrow.

Social Studies 9E  - Candidate research today.  Students are to complete the candidate worksheet and then complete the interactive: Youth Vote Compass to see where their views match up with political parties.  ***Candidate Research due Tomorrow.

 Edmonton--Wetaskiwin 48-021


  • CALLIOU, Travis
    Veterans Coalition Party of Canada / Parti de la coalition des anciens combattants du Canada
  • DOELL, Neil
    People's Party of Canada / Parti populaire du Canada
  • DRZYMALA, Emily
    Green Party of Canada / Le Parti Vert du Canada
  • GARVER, Noah
    New Democratic Party / Nouveau Parti démocratique
  • LAKE, Mike
    Conservative Party of Canada / Parti conservateur du Canada
  • WONG, Richard
    Liberal Party of Canada / Parti libéral du Canada

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  -Reviewed questions 6-9 in the booklet. Reviewed the executive branch (many students away on field trip yesterday).  Went over the legislative branch. (pages 27+).  Watched question period.  For homework, students are to complete questions 10-19 in the booklet.

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed questions 6-9 in the booklet. Reviewed the executive branch (many students away on field trip yesterday).  Went over the legislative branch. (pages 27+).  Watched question period.  For homework, students are to complete questions 10-19 in the booklet.

Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed questions 10-19 about the Legislative branch. MANY STUDENTS NOT FINISHED, SO BOOKLETS WERE TAKEN IN AS A HOMEWORK CHECK.  Reviewed the legislative branch. Watched a video about question period, and the speech from the throne.

Monday, 7 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  -Discussed the executive branch.  Students took notes....reviewed pages 24-25. For homework, students are to complete questions 6-9 in the booklet.

Social Studies 9C  Discussed the executive branch.  Students took notes....reviewed pages 24-25. For homework, students are to complete questions 6-9 in the booklet.

Social Studies 9E  -  Finished notes about the executive branch.  For homework, students are to complete questions 10-19 about the Legislative branch.

***students should watch the Leadership Debate tonight at 5:00-7:00 pm****

Friday, 4 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  -NO CLASS TODAY.  Reviewed page 1 of the handout.  Students took notes about the Executive Branch.  Looked at pages 24-25.  Looked at Representation by Population. Discussed portfolios and political parties.  Watched a video about the Constitution. Reviewed the video recap sheet.

Social Studies 9C  Watched a video about the Constitution. Reviewed the video recap sheet.

Social Studies 9E  -  Watched a video about the Constitution. Reviewed the video recap sheet.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed page 1 of the handout.  Students took notes about the Executive Branch.  Looked at pages 24-25.  Looked at Representation by Population. Discussed portfolios and political parties.  Watched a video about the Constitution. Reviewed the video recap sheet.

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed page 1 of the handout.   Students began to take notes about government.  Looked at Representation by Population.

Social Studies 9E  -  Reviewed page 1 of the handout.  Students continued to take notes about government.  Looked at Representation by Population.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed  the worksheet: "Everything you wanted to know about Canada but were afraid to ask."  Watched videos about Government and Democracy; Democratic Principles.  Watched a video about levels of government.  For homework, students are to complete page 1 of the handout.

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed the learning objectives for this chapter.  Read and reviewed pages 16-19. Discussed the 3 levels of government.  Watched a Rick Mercer episode and completed the worksheet: "Everything you wanted to know about Canada but were afraid to ask."  Discussed structure of government.

Social Studies 9E  -  Reviewed  the worksheet: "Everything you wanted to know about Canada but were afraid to ask."  Watched videos about Government and Democracy; Democratic Principles.  Watched a video about levels of government. Began to take notes on Canada's government.  For homework, students are to complete page 1 of the handout.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed the learning objectives for this chapter.  Read and reviewed pages 16-19. Discussed the 3 levels of government.  Watched a Rick Mercer episode and completed the worksheet: "Everything you wanted to know about Canada but were afraid to ask."  Discussed structure of government.

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed the learning objectives for this chapter.  Read and reviewed pages 16-19. Discussed the 3 levels of government.  Watched a Rick Mercer episode and completed the worksheet: "Everything you wanted to know about Canada but were afraid to ask."  Discussed structure of government.

Social Studies 9E  -  Reviewed the learning objectives for this chapter.  Read and reviewed pages 16-19. Discussed the 3 levels of government.  Watched a Rick Mercer episode and completed the worksheet: "Everything you wanted to know about Canada but were afraid to ask."  Discussed structure of government.

Monday, 30 September 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Students wrote the Introduction Exam today.  Chapter outline and learning objectives handed out today. Students are to read pages 16-21, and begin to complete the chapter 1 vocabulary on a separate sheet of paper.

Social Studies 9C  -   Students wrote the Introduction Exam today.  Chapter outline and learning objectives handed out today. Students are to read pages 16-21, and begin to complete the chapter 1 vocabulary on a separate sheet of paper.

Social Studies 9E  -  Students wrote the Introduction Exam today.  Chapter outline and learning objectives handed out today. Students are to read pages 16-21, and begin to complete the chapter 1 vocabulary on a separate sheet of paper.

***Introduction Exam on Monday, September 30****

Friday, 27 September 2019

Social Studies 9B  - NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed the quotes from  "The Gun Law: pro and con/ point  - counterpoint".  Looked at gun statistics. Watched a video about the gun lobby.  Handed out a review sheet for the exam on Monday.

Social Studies 9C  -   Continued to review the quotes from  The Gun Law: Pro and Con.... Point/Counterpoint.  Watched a video about the gun lobby in Canada. Handed out a review sheet for the exam on Monday.

Social Studies 9E  -Finished reviewing the quotes from: The Gun Law: Pro and Con.... Point/Counterpoint. Handed out a review sheet for the exam on Monday.

***Introduction Exam on Monday, September 30****

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed the quotes from  "The Gun Law: pro and con/ point  - counterpoint".  Looked at gun statistics. Watched a video about the gun lobby.  Handed out a review sheet for the exam on Monday.

Social Studies 9C  -   Began to review the quotes from  The Gun Law: Pro and Con.... Point/Counterpoint.(will finish next class).  Watched a video about the gun issue in Chicago.

Social Studies 9E  -Began to review the quotes from: The Gun Law: Pro and Con.... Point/Counterpoint. Looked at gun statistics.  Finished watching the video about the Gun Lobby in Canada.

***Introduction Exam on Monday, September 30****

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed the back park of the worksheet "Identifying the stakeholders"; Looked at students responses to the reading:  "The Gun Law: pro and con" students are to read and complete the response on the back of the sheet. Watched a video about the Gun Law. 

Social Studies 9C  -   Reviewed the back park of the worksheet "Identifying the stakeholders"; Looked at students responses to the reading:  "The Gun Law: pro and con" students are to read and complete the response on the back of the sheet. Watched a video about the Gun Law.  For homework, students are complete the worksheet: The Gun Law: Pro and Con.... Point/Counterpoint.

Social Studies 9E  - Discussed the failure of the gun registry. Looked at infographics regarding gun violence, gun holders, etc.  Began to watch a video about the gun lobby in Canada.  For homework, students are complete the worksheet: The Gun Law: Pro and Con.... Point/Counterpoint.

***Introduction Exam on Monday, September 30****

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Read page 10 aloud looking at the issue of gun control. Students completed the worksheet "Identifying the stakeholders"; Students are to complete the back page of this worksheet for homework. Handed out the Background reading "The Gun Law: pro and con" students are to read and complete the response on the back of the sheet.

Social Studies 9C  -   Read page 10 aloud looking at the issue of gun control. Students completed the worksheet "Identifying the stakeholders"; Students are to complete the back page of this worksheet for homework. Handed out the Background reading "The Gun Law: pro and con" students are to read and complete the response on the back of the sheet.

Social Studies 9E  - Began to review the reading "The Gun Law: pro and con" including the response on the back of the sheet.  Watched a video about the Gun Registry in Canada.  Watched a video about gun violence in Chicago.

***Introduction Exam on Monday, September 30****

Monday, 23 September 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Finished looking at controversial issues and four corner discussion.

Social Studies 9C  -   Finished looking at controversial issues and four corner discussion.

Social Studies 9E  - Began to look at the issue of gun control.  Students were to complete the worksheet: " Identifying the Stakeholders" for next class.  For homework, students are to complete the reading "The Gun Law: pro and con" including the response on the back of the sheet.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY. Students wrote a formative quiz on Quality of Life indicators. Reviewed the worksheet: "What Is Your Opinion?" for next class. Began to look at controversial issues.

Social Studies 9C  -   Finished  the "What Is Your Opinion?" worksheet.

Social Studies 9E  - Finished looking at controversial issues and four corner discussion.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Social Studies 9B - Students wrote a formative quiz on Quality of Life indicators. Reviewed the worksheet: "What Is Your Opinion?" for next class. Began to look at controversial issues.

Social Studies 9C  Students wrote a formative quiz on Quality of Life indicators. Reviewed the worksheet: "What Is Your Opinion?" for next class.

Social Studies 9E  - Students wrote a formative quiz on Quality of Life indicators. Reviewed the worksheet: "What Is Your Opinion?" for next class. 

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the students' top five list from last class.  Students completed the pre-election survey.  Reviewed pages 8-9.  Discussed "issue statements". For homework, students are to complete the the worksheet: "What Is Your Opinion?" for next class.

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed the students' top five list from last class.  Students completed the pre-election survey.  Reviewed pages 8-9.  Discussed "issue statements". For homework, students are to complete the the worksheet: "What Is Your Opinion?" for next class.

Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed the students' top five list from last class.  Students completed the pre-election survey.  Reviewed pages 8-9.  Discussed "issue statements". For homework, students are to complete the the worksheet: "What Is Your Opinion?" for next class.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed "100 people" worksheet.  Students took notes about developed vs. developing countries.  For homework, students are to complete the worksheet "Quality of Life" rating the values.

Social Studies 9C  Reviewed "100 people" worksheet.  Students took notes about developed vs. developing countries.  For homework, students are to complete the worksheet "Quality of Life" rating the values.

Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed "100 people" worksheet.  Students took notes about developed vs. developing countries.  For homework, students are to complete the worksheet "Quality of Life" rating the values.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed Jose and Emma response. Took notes about Quality of Life and Standard of Living.  Watched the video: "If the world were 100 people." Student completed the accompanying worksheet.  For homework, students are to complete the reverse side of the worksheet.

Social Studies 9C    Reviewed Jose and Emma response. Took notes about Quality of Life and Standard of Living.  Watched the video: "If the world were 100 people." Student completed the accompanying worksheet.  For homework, students are to complete the reverse side of the worksheet.

Social Studies 9E  -  Reviewed Jose and Emma response. Took notes about Quality of Life and Standard of Living.  Watched the video: "If the world were 100 people." Student completed the accompanying worksheet.  For homework, students are to complete the reverse side of the worksheet.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Social Studies 9BNO CLASS TODAY. Finished taking notes about Quality of Life.  Read about Jose and Emma.  Evaluated positive and negative aspects about Quality of Life.  For homework, students are to complete the response: Who has the better Quality of Life, Jose or Emma? Five sentence structure.

Social Studies 9C    Read about Jose and Emma.  Evaluated positive and negative aspects about Quality of Life.  For homework, students are to complete the response: Who has the better Quality of Life, Jose or Emma? Five sentence structure.

Social Studies 9E  -  Read about Jose and Emma.  Evaluated positive and negative aspects about Quality of Life.  For homework, students are to complete the response: Who has the better Quality of Life, Jose or Emma? Five sentence structure.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Social Studies 9B -  Finished taking notes about Quality of Life.  Read about Jose and Emma.  Evaluated positive and negative aspects about Quality of Life.  For homework, students are to complete the response: Who has the better Quality of Life, Jose or Emma? Five sentence structure.

Social Studies 9C    Finished taking notes for Quality of Life aspects.

Social Studies 9E  -  Students took notes about Quality of Life aspects.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed the perspective/point of view worksheet. Began to take notes for Quality of Life.....will continue next class.

Social Studies 9C    Reviewed the perspective/point of view worksheet. Began to take notes for Quality of Life.....will continue next class.

Social Studies 9E - Reviewed previous material (Identity, Citizenship).  Students read pages 5-6 and are to complete the perspective/point of view worksheet for next class.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed previous material (Identity, Citizenship).  Students read pages 5-6 and are to complete the perspective/point of view worksheet for next class.

Social Studies 9C    Reviewed previous material (Identity, Citizenship).  Students read pages 5-6 and are to complete the perspective/point of view worksheet for next class.

Social Studies 9E - Reviewed pages 4-5.  Discussed quality of life and citizenship  For homework, students are to complete the vocabulary worksheet.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed pages 4-5.  Discussed quality of life and citizenship.

Social Studies 9C    Reviewed pages 4-5.  Discussed quality of life and citizenship  For homework, students are to complete the vocabulary worksheet.

Social Studies 9E - Students finished notes on Governance and Economics. Completed and discussed the Identity worksheet. For homework, students are to complete the vocabulary worksheet.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Social Studies 9B -  NO CLASS TODAY.  For homework, students are to complete the Vocabulary worksheet.

Social Studies 9C    Students finished notes on Governance and Economics. Completed and discussed the Identity worksheet.

Social Studies 9E -  Students handed in the Learner Profile.  Reviewed the layout of the textbook and course sequence.  Read pages 2-3.  Students began notes on Governance and Economics.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Social Studies 9B -   Students handed in the Learner Profile.  Reviewed the layout of the textbook and course sequence.  Read pages 2-3.  Students took notes on Governance,  Economics and Identity.  Students completed the Identity worksheet.  For homework, students are to complete the Vocabulary worksheet.

Social Studies 9C    Students handed in the Learner Profile.  Reviewed the layout of the textbook and course sequence.  Read pages 2-3.  Students took notes on Governance and Economics.

Social Studies 9E -  Handed out and reviewed the course outline. For homework, students are to complete the Learner Profile.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Social Studies 9B -   Handed out and reviewed the course outline. For homework, students are to complete the Learner Profile.

Social Studies 9C  Handed out and reviewed the course outline. For homework, students are to complete the Learner Profile.

Social Studies 9E -  No class today

Friday, 21 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Completed the review.  Played Jeopardy for the final few minutes. For homework, students are to complete questions 33-to the end in their review booklet.
                                            **SS 7 Final Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Social Studies 9A  Finished rapidfire review.

Social Studies 9C -  Finished rapidfire review.

                                            **SS 9 PAT Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Reviewed material up to chapter 9.  For homework, students are to complete questions 15-32 in their review booklet.
                                            **SS 7 Final Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Social Studies 9A  Finished reviewing Ch. 9 booklet.  Students are to complete the readings for Chapter 9.  Students finished writing the practice PAT. Began rapidfire review.

Social Studies 9C - Finished reviewing Ch. 9 booklet.  Students are to complete the readings for Chapter 9.  Students finished writing the practice PAT. Began rapidfire review.
                                            **SS 9 PAT Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Reviewed material up to chapter 5.  For homework, students are to complete questions 1-15 in their review booklet.
                                            **SS 7 Final Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Social Studies 9A  Began to review Ch. 9 booklet.  will continue next class.

Social Studies 9C - Began to review Ch. 9 booklet.  will continue next class.
                                            **SS 9 PAT Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Completed the material for Chapter 14!!!  Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - Review! Review! Review!!!

                                            **SS 7 Final Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Social Studies 9A  Students wrote a practice PAT social exam.  Students are to complete the Ch. 9 booklet for next class.

Social Studies 9C -  Students wrote a practice PAT social exam.  Students are to complete the Ch. 9 booklet for next class.
                                            **SS 9 PAT Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Monday, 17 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Completed the material for Chapter 13!!!

                                            **SS 7 Final Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Social Studies 9A  Students wrote the Chapter 8 exam.  Students received a fill-in-the-blank review sheet.  Students are to complete the Ch. 9 booklet for next class.

Social Studies 9C -  Students wrote the Chapter 8 exam.  Students received a fill-in-the-blank review sheet.  Students are to complete the Ch. 9 booklet for next class.

                                            **SS 9 PAT Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Friday, 14 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Completed the material for Chapter 12!!!

                                            **SS 7 Final Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Social Studies 9A  Finished reviewing the worksheet: "Issues Through Images". Students took notes on preservation, extraction, and government initiatives to avert climate change. Students took notes on all the ways that humans interact with their environment. For homework, students are to complete the first page of the handout. ***Chapter 8 Exam on Monday, June 17th***

Social Studies 9C -  Finished reviewing the worksheet: "Issues Through Images". Students took notes on preservation, extraction, and government initiatives to avert climate change. Students took notes on all the ways that humans interact with their environment. For homework, students are to complete the first page of the handout. ***Chapter 8 Exam on Monday, June 17th***

                                            **SS 9 PAT Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Read pages 261-264.  Students had class time to complete the Ch. 11 review questions in the booklet.

                                            **SS 7 Final Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Social Studies 9A  Reviewed the political part/social programs chart worksheet. Reviewed pages 293-295.  Began chapter 9; Students read pages298-299.  Students worked to complete the worksheet: "Issues Through Images".  Began to review the worksheet. .***Chapter 8 Exam on Monday, June 17th***

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the political part/social programs chart worksheet. Reviewed pages 293-295.  Began chapter 9; Students read pages298-299.  Students worked to complete the worksheet: "Issues Through Images".  Began to review the worksheet. .***Chapter 8 Exam on Monday, June 17th***

                                            **SS 9 PAT Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Reviewed the section "Francophones".  Read the section "Settling In" on page 260. Began to review for the final exam (looked at Aboriginal culture).

                                            **SS 7 Final Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Social Studies 9A  Reviewed  the worksheet "Political Parties & their role in social programs and taxation".  Read about Tommy Douglas on page 291, and watched a video about his legacy. For homework, students are to read pages 293-295, and complete the chart worksheet. ***Chapter 8 Exam on Monday, June 17th***

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed  the worksheet "Political Parties & their role in social programs and taxation".  Read about Tommy Douglas on page 291, and watched a video about his legacy. For homework, students are to read pages 293-295, and complete the chart worksheet. ***Chapter 8 Exam on Monday, June 17th***

                                            **SS 9 PAT Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Reviewed the fill-in-the-blank section from last day. Read pages 253-255.   For homework, students are to complete the fill-in-the-blanks for the section "Francophones".

                                            **SS 7 Final Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Social Studies 9A  Reviewed page 283. Began to look at party platforms. (p. 287).  Looked at the Political Spectrum, and students completed a survey on the spectrum and party alignment. For homework, students are to complete the worksheet "Political Parties & their role in social programs and taxation".

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed page 283. Began to look at party platforms. (p. 287).  Looked at the Political Spectrum, and students completed a survey on the spectrum and party alignment. For homework, students are to complete the worksheet "Political Parties & their role in social programs and taxation".

                                            **SS 9 PAT Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Monday, 10 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Read pages 249-252.  For homework, students are to complete the fill-in-the-blanks up to "Churches and Immigration".

                                            **SS 7 Final Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Social Studies 9A  Reviewed pages 281 up to the taxation model on page283.  Looked at tax rates in Canada. Students should complete the last page of their handout.

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed pages 281 up to the taxation model on page283.  Looked at tax rates in Canada. Students should complete the last page of their handout.

                                            **SS 9 PAT Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Friday, 7 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Students wrote the chapter 10 exam today.  Students were given a fill-in-the blank review booklet to begin working on.

                                            **SS 7 Final Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Social Studies 9A  Reviewed the first two pages about the handout.  Began to cover taxation on pages281.  For homework, students are to complete the last page of the handout from last class.

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the first two pages about the handout.  Began to cover taxation on pages281.  For homework, students are to complete the last page of the handout from last class.

                                            **SS 9 PAT Exam on Wednesday, June 26***

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Reviewed the section "Key Concept - Immigration and Identity" Read pages 247-248.  ****Chapter 10 exam on Friday, June 7th.***

Social Studies 9A  Reviewed the material on page 274 - 275.  Analyzed cartoon messages.  For homework, students are to complete the first two pages about the handout; read pages 276-277. ***PAT STUDY GUIDE handed out today***

Social Studies 9C Reviewed the material on page 274 - 275.  Analyzed cartoon messages.  For homework, students are to complete the first two pages about the handout; read pages 276-277. ***PAT STUDY GUIDE handed out today***

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Finished reviewing  the last two pages of the Chapter 10. booklet.  Read pages 242-245.  Handed out Chapter 11 booklets.  Students are to complete the section "Key Concept - Immigration and Identity"  ****Chapter 10 exam on Friday, June 7th.***

Social Studies 9A  - Finished reviewing the Sicko worksheets. Watched a video about "Living Wage" Reviewed the material on page 274.

Social Studies 9C Finished reviewing the Sicko worksheets. Watched a video about "Living Wage" Reviewed the material on page 274.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Social Studies 7E - Completed and reviewed the pages: "Becoming Canadian Provinces", "Timeline of Newfoundland joining Confederation" "Chapter 10 Learning Check"., "Summarizing Chapter 10" .  Students should finish the last two pages of the booklet. ****Students should prepare for the Chapter 10 exam on Friday, June 7th.***

Social Studies 9A  Began to review the Sicko worksheets.

Social Studies 9C Began to review the Sicko worksheets.

Monday, 3 June 2019

Social Studies 7E - Finished reading the material on pages 239 and 240.  Completed and reviewed the True and False section about two new provinces in the west.   Student sworked in partners to complete the next two sections in their booklets. ****Final Exam Study Guide given out today.***** ****Students should prepare for the Chapter 10 exam on Friday, June 7th.***

Social Studies 9A  - Finished watching the documentary: "Sicko".  Both Sicko worksheets should be completed for tomorrow.

Social Studies 9C Finished watching the documentary: "Sicko".  Both Sicko worksheets should be completed for tomorrow.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the fill-in-the-blank section on "Newfoundland and Confederation". Analyzed the cartoon on page 238.  Read the advertisement o page 239 and analyzed the information.  ****Students should prepare for the Chapter 10 exam on Friday, June 7th.***

Social Studies 9A  - Continued to watch the documentary: "Sicko".

Social Studies 9C Continued to watch the documentary: "Sicko".

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the page:  "Timeline of the creation of Alberta and Saskatchewan". Reviewed ideas about public/separate schools, protestant/catholic schools.  Looked at how First Nations were affected by residential schools and reserves.  Read pages 237-239.  Students are to complete the fill-in-the-blank section on "Newfoundland and Confederation".

Social Studies 9A  - Began to watch the documentary: "Sicko".

Social Studies 9C Began to watch the documentary: "Sicko".

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the  page about " Two new Provinces in the West".  Discussed Calgary/Edmonton becoming the capital of Alberta.  For homework, students are to complete the page:  "Timeline of the creation of Alberta and Saskatchewan".

Social Studies 9A  - Continued notes about social programs.  Completed the material on pages 270-273.

Social Studies 9C Continued notes about social programs.  Completed the material on pages 270-273.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the  two pages in their booklet about P.E.I. joining confederation. Read pages 232-233.  Students had class time to complete the page about " Two new Provinces in the West".

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the worksheet: "Meeting the Public Good", Read pages 266-267; students began to take notes about social programs.

Social Studies 9C Reviewed the worksheet: "Meeting the Public Good", Read pages 266-267; students began to take notes about social programs.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Read pages 227-229.  For homework, students are to read page 230 about the Mi'maq, and complete the two pages in their booklet about P.E.I. joining confederation.

Social Studies 9A  - Students wrote the Chapter 7 Exam today.  Students are to complete the worksheet: "Meeting the Public Good", Read pages 266-267; 270-272, and begin to work on the ch. 8 vocabulary sheets (handed out in class).

Social Studies 9C Students wrote the Chapter 7 Exam today.  Students are to complete the worksheet: "Meeting the Public Good", Read pages 266-267; 270-272, and begin to work on the ch. 8 vocabulary sheets (handed out in class).

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Watch part of the apology to Chief Poundmaker today. Read and discussed page. 223-226.  Reviewed the section: "British Columbia joins Confederation" in the booklet.  This should have already been completed..

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the cartoons from previous worksheet and page 256, and other cartoons.  Handed out Chapter 7 study guide.  Students had class time to study.  ***Chapter 7 Exam on Friday, May 24***

Social Studies 9C Reviewed the cartoons from previous worksheet and page 256, and other cartoons.  Handed out Chapter 7 study guide.  Students had class time to study.  ***Chapter 7 Exam on Friday, May 24***

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the fill-in-the blank section of the chapter 10 booklet ("British Columbia Joins Confederation".  Read and discussed page. 222.

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the worksheet about Boycotts (p. 262-263); Reviewed GDP indicators. Watched a video about GDP over the decades.  Watched a video about a boycott against Canadian fish products. ***Chapter 7 Exam on Friday, May 24***

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the worksheet about Boycotts (p. 262-263); Reviewed GDP indicators. Watched a video about GDP over the decades.  Finished watching a video about a boycott against Canadian fish products. ***Chapter 7 Exam on Friday, May 24***

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Students wrote the chapter 9 exam today. Students had class time to complete the fill-in-the blank section of the chapter 10 booklet ("British Columbia Joins Confederation" to the next page - at the picture of the Last Spike"; students can complete the headings summary on the pages after the crossword puzzle).

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the worksheet about prosperity and GDP.  Reviewed the section about Boycotts (p. 262-263); for homework, students are to complete the handout sheet.

Social Studies 9C -Reviewed the worksheet about prosperity and GDP.  Reviewed the section about Boycotts (p. 262-263); for homework, students are to complete the handout sheet. Began to watch a video about a boycott against Canadian fish products.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Students handed in their Newspaper Article: Read pages 220-221.  Students had class time to complete the section on "Historical Perspective" in their Ch. 10 booklet which was handed out today. *****Chapter 9 Exam on Thursday, May 16****

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed GDP (page 261).  For homework, students are to complete the worksheet about prosperity and GDP.

Social Studies 9C -Reviewed GDP (page 261).  For homework, students are to complete the worksheet about prosperity and GDP.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Read pages 218 - 219. Reviewed how to analyze a political cartoon. Newspaper Article Due: Wednesday, May 15.  *****Chapter 9 Exam on Thursday, May 16****

Social Studies 9A  - Using pages 246-247, analyzed several media pieces.  Watched videos about "Buy Nothing Day" and the effects of big box stores.

Social Studies 9C - Using pages 246-247, analyzed several media pieces.  Watched videos about "Buy Nothing Day" and the effects of big box stores.

Monday, 13 May 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Began chapter 10 (Read pages 216-217). Students had class time to work on their Newspaper Article: Due Wednesday, May 15.  *****Chapter 9 Exam on Thursday, May 16****

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the Consumerism Quotations worksheet.

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the Consumerism Quotations worksheet.

Friday, 10 May 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Students had class time to work on the  Ch. 9 assignment: Newspaper Article: Due Wednesday, May 15.  *****Chapter 9 Exam on Thursday, May 16****

Social Studies 9A  - NO CLASS TODAY due to  ELA PAT. Reviewed the marketing worksheet. Students took notes on prosperity. Students worked on the Consumerism Quotations worksheet. (Due: Monday, May 13)

Social Studies 9C - NO CLASS TODAY due to  ELA PAT. Reviewed the marketing worksheet. Students took notes on prosperity. Students worked on the Consumerism Quotations worksheet. (Due: Monday, May 13)

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Reviewed the section "Farming the Frontier & Helping Industry".  Handed out the  Ch. 9 assignment: Newspaper Article: Due Wednesday, Mary 15. (students will have a work period in tomorrow's class for the Newspaper Assignment) *****Chapter 9 Exam on Thursday, May 16****

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the marketing worksheet. Students took notes on prosperity. Students worked on the Consumerism Quotations worksheet. (Due: Monday, May 13)

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the marketing worksheet. Students took notes on prosperity. Students worked on the Consumerism Quotations worksheet. (Due: Monday, May 13)

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Reviewed the fill in the blank sections entitled: "Helping Industry", and "Slow but steady progress".  Read page 214.  For homework, students are to complete the section "Farming the Frontier & Helping Industry".  Students had class time to complete this.

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the back side of the sheet for the environment.  Students worked in groups to solve the Retail Alphabet Game.  Reviewed the factor of Marketing (p. 254-256); students are to complete the worksheet for next class.

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the back side of the sheet for the environment.  Students worked in groups to solve the Retail Alphabet Game.  Reviewed the factor of Marketing (p. 254-256); students are to complete the worksheet for next class.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Social Studies 7E -  Read pages 212-213.  For homework, students are to complete the sections entitled: "Helping Industry", and "Slow but steady progress".

Social Studies 9A  - Finished reviewing the Environment worksheet. Watched the video "The Story of Stuff", and completed and reviewed the accompanying worksheet.

Social Studies 9C - Finished reviewing the Environment worksheet. Watched the video "The Story of Stuff", and completed and reviewed the accompanying worksheet.

Monday, 6 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the  fill-in-the-blank section "Farming the Frontier". Read p. 208 "A Rough Life". Read pages209-211.

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the Health and Safety worksheet.

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed  "The Environment" worksheet. 

Friday, 3 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the activity "Surveying the Land" worksheet, and fill-in-the-blank section "Farming the Frontier". Read p. 208 "A Rough Life", students are to complete the section in their booklets: "A Rough Life".

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the "Jobs" worksheet.  Worksheets and reading for the factors  of Environment and Health and Safety are to completed for Monday.

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed the "Jobs" worksheet. Reviewed the notes for the factor of  "The Environment".  Handed out the accompanying worksheet, which is due for Monday.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Read pages 207- 208. Students worked in partners to complete the "Surveying the Land" worksheet.  Students should also complete the section"Farming the Frontier".

Social Studies 9A  - Finished reviewing the Identity worksheet.  Reviewed the factors of "Health and Safety" and "Jobs".  Handed out the accompanying worksheets; also handed out the worksheet for "Environment".  Worksheets and reading for these factors are to completed for Monday.

Social Studies 9C -   Reviewed the factors of "Health and Safety". Reviewed the notes for the factor of "Jobs".  Handed out the accompanying worksheet, which is due for tomorrow.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Social Studies 7E - Read pages 204 206.  For homework, students are to complete the section "Building the Line"

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the worksheet about identity.  Read pages 238-245.  For homework, students are to read about the factor of safety, and complete the worksheet.

Social Studies 9C -   Read pages 238-245. Began to review the worksheet about identity.

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Social Studies 7E -Reviewed the fill in the blank section sections in their booklet: "Building the Iron Road" and "Finding a Route".  Watched a video about expanding the west and building a railway.  For homework, students are to read page 204, and complete the section "Building the Line"

Social Studies 9A  - NO CLASS TODAY DUE TO JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT AT NAIT VISIT. Students wrote the Chapter 6 exam today.  Students are to read pages 238-239, 242-243, and complete the worksheet about identity using pages 244-245.

Social Studies 9C -   NO CLASS TODAY DUE TO JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT AT NAIT VISIT. Students wrote the Chapter 6 exam today.  Students are to read pages 238-239, 242-243, and complete the worksheet about identity using pages 244-245.

Monday, 29 April 2019

Social Studies 7E -Reviewed the fill in the blank section up to "Building the Iron Road". Read pages 202-203.  For homework, students are to complete the sections in their booklet: "Building the Iron Road" and "Finding a Route".

Social Studies 9A  - Students wrote the Chapter 6 exam today.  Students are to read pages 238-239, 242-243, and complete the worksheet about identity using pages 244-245.

Social Studies 9C -   Students wrote the Chapter 6 exam today.  Students are to read pages 238-239, 242-243, and complete the worksheet about identity using pages 244-245.

Friday, 26 April 2019

Social Studies 7E - Students wrote the chapter 8 exam today.  Students are to rad pages 202-205, and fill in the blanks up the section: "Building the Iron Road".

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the purple sections about unions.  Continued to watch the video: Capitalism: A Love Study. Chapter 6 study guides given out today. ****Chapter 6 Exam has been changed to:  Monday, April 29***

Social Studies 9C -   Reviewed the purple sections about unions.  Continued to watch the video: Capitalism: A Love Study. Chapter 6 study guides given out today. ****Chapter 6 Exam has been changed to:  Monday, April 29***

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed yesterdays' assignment.  Read pages 197-201. ****Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 26*** 

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the questions for Case Study #3.  Continued to watch the video: Capitalism: A Love Study. ****Chapter 6 Exam has been changed to:  Monday, April 29***

Social Studies 9C -   Reviewed the questions for Case Study #3.  Continued to watch the video: Capitalism: A Love Study. ****Chapter 6 Exam has been changed to:  Monday, April 29***

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Social Studies 7E - Read and discussed pages 195 and 197. Handed out Chapter 9 booklets today.  Students are to complete the vocab words/phrases: 49th parallel, and Natural resources.  Students should also complete the section about Natural resources and History. ****Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 26*** 

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the questions for Case Study #2. Case Studiy #3 questions due: on Thursday, April 25.  Continued to watch the video: Capitalism: A Love Study. ****Chapter 6 Exam has been changed to:  Monday, April 29***

Social Studies 9C -   Reviewed the questions for Case Study #2. Case Studiy #3 questions due: on Thursday, April 25.  Continued to watch the video: Capitalism: A Love Study. ****Chapter 6 Exam has been changed to:  Monday, April 29***

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Social Studies 7E - Students handed their Louis Riel Flipcards today.  Reviewed the chapter 7 Exam.  Read page  194 today (shortened class)****Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 26***

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the questions for Case Study #1. Case Studiy #2 questions due: on Wednesday, April 24.  Continued to watch the video: Capitalism: A Love Study. ****Chapter 6 Exam on Friday, April 26***

Social Studies 9C -   Reviewed the questions for Case Study #1. Case Studiy #2 questions due: on Wednesday, April 24.  Continued to watch the video: Capitalism: A Love Study. ****Chapter 6 Exam on Friday, April 26***

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Social Studies 7E - Students handed in their Weekly News . Students worked on their Riel flipcards.  Students will have two (2) class periods (Weds. April 17, Thursday, April 18) to work on this assignment, and it will be due on Tuesday, April 23.  ****Chapter 9 Exam on Friday, April 26***

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the Principles of the Market Economy (students received a handout).  Handed out the questions for Case Studies #1-3.  Case Study #1 questions due: on Tuesday, April 23.  Began to watch the video: Capitalism: A Love Study. ****Chapter 6 Exam on Friday, April 26***

Social Studies 9C -   Finished reviewing the Monopoly worksheet. Reviewed the Principles of the Market Economy (students received a handout).  Handed out the questions for Case Studies #1-3.  Case Study #1 questions due: on Tuesday, April 23.  Began to watch the video: Capitalism: A Love Study. ****Chapter 6 Exam on Friday, April 26***

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the results from Student Vote.  Discussed the election results.  Weekly News: Russia Builds Arctic Military Base (Due: Thursday, April 18).  Students began to work on their Riel flipcards.  Students will have two (2) class periods (Weds. April 17, Thursday, April 18) to work on this assignment, and it will be due on Tuesday, April 23. 

Social Studies 9A  Reviewed the results from Student Vote.  Discussed the election results. Reviewed the monopoly worksheet.

Social Studies 9C -   Reviewed the results from Student Vote.  Discussed the election results. Reviewed the monopoly worksheet.