Thursday, 24 October 2019

Social Studies 9B  - Reviewed the written paragraph about how a bill is passed.  Discussed election vs. appointment (critical thinking).  Students worked in groups to complete the worksheet: Representation: Election vs. Appointment.  Worksheet is to be completed for tomorrow. ***Roles & Processes Quiz on Monday, October 28th***

Social Studies 9C  -   Reviewed questions 43-49 in the booklet. Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet "I can understand how a bill becomes law".  Students completed the fill in the blank section with a partner, and completed the paragraph on their own.  Students reviewed the paragraph with a partner and made changes. ***Roles & Processes Quiz on Monday, October 28th***

Social Studies 9E  Reviewed the paragraph from last day about passing a bill with a partner. Discussed election vs. appointment (critical thinking).  Students worked in groups to complete the worksheet: Representation: Election vs. Appointment. Began to review the worksheet; will continue tomorrow.  ***Roles & Processes Quiz on Monday, October 28th***

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