Tuesday, 4 March 2025

  Social Studies 9A -  Students "peer reviewed" the paragraph response from last class. Discussed types of evidence and supporting  one's position with rich explanations.  Reviewed page 173 (looking at Canada's past immigration policies) using the Komagata Maru and the Chinese Head Tax as examples.

Social Studies 9B - Students "peer reviewed" the paragraph response from last class. Discussed types of evidence and supporting  one's position with rich explanations.  Reviewed page 173 (looking at Canada's past immigration policies) using the Komagata Maru and the Chinese Head Tax as examples.

 Social Studies 9E - Students "peer reviewed" the paragraph response from last class. Discussed types of evidence and supporting  one's position with rich explanations.  Reviewed page 173 (looking at Canada's past immigration policies) using the Komagata Maru and the Chinese Head Tax as examples.

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