Friday, 27 March 2020

Social Studies 9B, 9C, 9E

**Remote learning will resume on Monday, April 6.

 - Elderly Immigrants response was due today.

Students are reminded to check their emails, and Google Classrooms.

Have a great spring break!!!

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Summary of Lessons for this week.

Students are reminded to check their emails, and google classrooms

SS9B, 9C, 9E           March 23-27 Assignments
Monday           Log onto Moodle
                        Set up a folder in Google Drive for Social Studies

Tuesday           Reading/Response about the Family Class of immigration
                        Immigration Policy changes in response to security concerns (Textbook, p. 179,  
                        Question #9, Review Booklet #1

Wednesday     Immigration laws & policies (Textbook, p. 180-182)
                        Review Booklet #2, Q’s 1,2, 3, Singh Decision

Thursday         How does immigration affect the rights of Aboriginal People (Textbook,
                        p. 183-4), Respond to Resolution no. 49.  Review Booklet #2 – Q’s #4, 5

Friday              Challenges & opportunities for Franco-Alberta communities. (Textbook, p. 185)
                           (Review Booklet #2, Q’s #6), Respond to Immigration for Franco-Albertans


Monday, 23 March 2020

Good Morning Social Studies Students and Parents!!

Welcome to Monday, March 23/20 

As we move forward with our remote learning, I will be providing resources through my Moodle site, which is available on the Blackgold Engaging Learning Site.  Daily lessons and communication will be done via email, phone calls, Google Classroom, and video conferences using "Zoom" for each of my classes. You will receive an invite via email later this week.

Most of you will be picking up your locker contents/textbooks today and getting reorganized with you class materials.

Today, your task will be to log onto my Moodle site, and get familiar with the contents.  You will find a copy of the textbook chapter, and many of the materials you have already received.

Please make a digital folder where you may keep your downloaded materials.

My hours for availability are: 9:30-11:30 am and 1:00 - 2:30 pm, but feel free to email me as needed.Students: please go to Google Classroom for directions on how to log on to Moodle.

We as teachers are all here to support your learning. Do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Ms. Kosowan

Friday, 20 March 2020

Friday, March 20/20

Social Studies 9B, 9C, 9E

I will be in touch on Monday with plans going forward.

Check this site on Monday, March 23 for more information.

Ms. K 

Monday, 16 March 2020

Social Studies 9B  -   NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed the point system, and looked at the students ratings for assessing immigrants for the point system.  Students completed the advantages and disadvantages for the point system on the previous worksheet. Discussed the limitations of the point system.  Reviewed the "Next Steps to emigrate to Canada" on the bottom of page 170.   Students took notes on the refugee category (p. 173, 177).  Reviewed the objectives of the Immigration and Refugee protection act 2002.

Social Studies 9C  -   Students took notes on the refugee category (p. 173, 177).  Reviewed the objectives of the Immigration and Refugee protection act 2002.  Watched 2 short videos about refugees coming to Canada. Watched a video about the Romas in Canada.  For homework, students are to complete questions 7 & 8 in the handout given out today.

 Social Studies 9E  -  Watched a video about the Romas in Canada.  For homework, students are to complete questions 7 & 8 in the handout given out today.

***Monday, March 16, Social Studies Students:  Please watch this site in the next few days to be directed to on-line content.****

Friday, 13 March 2020

Social Studies 9B  -   NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed the point system, and looked at the students ratings for assessing immigrants for the point system.  Students completed the advantages and disadvantages for the point system on the previous worksheet. Discussed the limitations of the point system.  Reviewed the "Next Steps to emigrate to Canada" on the bottom of page 170.   Students took notes on the refugee category (p. 173, 177).  Reviewed the objectives of the Immigration and Refugee protection act 2002.

Social Studies 9C  -   Students took notes on the refugee category (p. 173, 177).  Reviewed the objectives of the Immigration and Refugee protection act 2002.  Watched 2 short videos about refugees coming to Canada. Watched a video about the Romas in Canada.  For homework, students are to complete questions 7 & 8 in the handout given out today.

 Social Studies 9E  -  Watched a video about the Romas in Canada.  For homework, students are to complete questions 7 & 8 in the handout given out today.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Social Studies 9B  -   Reviewed the point system, and looked at the students ratings for assessing immigrants for the point system.  Students completed the advantages and disadvantages for the point system on the previous worksheet. Discussed the limitations of the point system.  Reviewed the "Next Steps to emigrate to Canada" on the bottom of page 170.   Students took notes on the refugee category (p. 173, 177).  Reviewed the objectives of the Immigration and Refugee protection act 2002.

Social Studies 9C  -   Reviewed the point system, and looked at the students ratings for assessing immigrants for the point system.  Students completed the advantages and disadvantages for the point system on the previous worksheet. Discussed the limitations of the point system.  Reviewed the "Next Steps to emigrate to Canada" on the bottom of page 170.

 Social Studies 9E  -  Students took notes on the refugee category (p. 173, 177).  Reviewed the objectives of the Immigration and Refugee protection act 2002.  Watched 2 short videos about refugees coming to Canada.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Social Studies 9B  -    Reviewed the worksheet and the categories for the point system. Students began to evaluate the point system by assessing a potential immigrant.  Will review the point system tomorrow.

Social Studies 9C  -   Reviewed the worksheet and the categories for the point system.  Students began to evaluate the point system by assessing a potential immigrant.  Will review the point system tomorrow.

 Social Studies 9E  -  Reviewed the point system, and looked at the students ratings for assessing immigrants for the point system.  Students completed the advantages and disadvantages for the point system on the previous worksheet. Discussed the limitations of the point system.  Reviewed the "Next Steps to emigrate to Canada" on the bottom of page 170.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Social Studies 9B  -  Finished reviewing the Immigration objectives on p. 167.  Reviewed page 168 looking at demographics and workforce.  Looked at population pyramids and how they are used as a projector of population trends.

Social Studies 9C  -  Reviewed page 168 looking at demographics and workforce.  Looked at more population pyramids and how they are used as a projector of population trends. Students read pages 169-170 and completed a guided reading worksheet.  Reviewed the worksheet and and the categories for the point system.

 Social Studies 9E  -  Reviewed page 168 looking at demographics and workforce.  Looked at more population pyramids and how they are used as a projector of population trends. Students read pages 169-170 and completed a guided reading worksheet.  Reviewed the worksheet and and the categories for the point system.  Students began to evaluate the point system by assessing a potential immigrant.  Will review the point system tomorrow.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Social Studies 9B  -  Reviewed the worksheet: Consequences of Immigration. Reviewed pages 167-168 about the objectives of the Immigration Act 2002.  Students took notes.

Social Studies 9C  -  Reviewed pages 167-168 about the objectives of the Immigration Act 2002.  Students took notes. Looked at population pyramids and how they are used as a projector of population trends.

 Social Studies 9E  - Students handed in the worksheet: Consequences of Immigration. Reviewed pages 167-168 about the objectives of the Immigration Act 2002.  Students took notes. Looked at population pyramids and how they are used as a projector of population trends.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Social Studies 9B  -  NO CLASS TODAY. Finished categorizing world events according to each of the immigration factors.  Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet: Consequences of Immigration.

Social Studies 9C  - Recapped world events according to each of the immigration factors.  Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet: Consequences of Immigration; reviewed the worksheet when students were finished. Began to review pages166-167.  Students took notes on categories of immigration.

 Social Studies 9E  -Began to review the worksheet: Consequences of Immigration. MOST STUDENTS HAD NOT COMPLETED THE WORKSHEET DESPITE HAVING CLASS TIME.  - WORKSHEET TO BE HANDED IN NEXT CLASS. Reviewed pages 166-168.  Students took notes about categories of immigration.

***Last day to submit (late) Term 2 Assignments:  was Friday, February 28/20.****

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Social Studies 9B  -  Finished categorizing world events according to each of the immigration factors.  Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet: Consequences of Immigration.

Social Studies 9C  - Finished categorizing world events according to each of the immigration factors. 

 Social Studies 9E  - Finished categorizing world events according to each of the immigration factors.  Students worked in pairs to complete the worksheet: Consequences of Immigration.

***Last day to submit (late) Term 2 Assignments:  was Friday, February 28/20.****

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Social Studies 9B  -  Students took notes about emigration, immigration, push/pull factors, and factors of immigration.  Began to categorize world events according to each of the immigration factors.  Will continue next class.

Social Studies 9C  -  Students took notes about emigration, immigration, push/pull factors, and factors of immigration.  Began to categorize world events according to each of the immigration factors.  Will continue next class.

 Social Studies 9E  - Students took notes about emigration, immigration, push/pull factors, and factors of immigration.  Began to categorize world events according to each of the immigration factors.  Will continue next class.

***Last day to submit (late) Term 2 Assignments:  was Friday, February 28/20.****

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Social Studies 9B  -  Reviewed challenges and opportunities for immigrants. Reviewed the ideas on page 163. Watched a video about immigration; students had to come up with "immigration numbers" from the video.  Recapped numbers from the video.

Social Studies 9C  -   Reviewed challenges and opportunities for immigrants. Reviewed the ideas on page 163. Watched a video about immigration; students had to come up with "immigration numbers" from the video.  Recapped numbers from the video.

 Social Studies 9E  - Reviewed challenges and opportunities for immigrants. Reviewed the ideas on page 163. Watched a video about immigration; students had to come up with "immigration numbers" from the video.  Recapped numbers from the video.

***Last day to submit (late) Term 2 Assignments:  was Friday, February 28/20.****

Monday, 2 March 2020

Social Studies 9B  -  Students wrote the Chapter 4 Exam today. For homework, students are to read pages 162-163, 166-167, and do the five vocabulary words for Chapter 5.

Social Studies 9C  -   Students wrote the Chapter 4 Exam today. For homework, students are to read pages 162-163, 166-167, and do the five vocabulary words for Chapter 5.

 Social Studies 9E  - Students wrote the Chapter 4 Exam today. For homework, students are to read pages 162-163, 166-167, and do the five vocabulary words for Chapter 5.

***Last day to submit (late) Term 2 Assignments:  was Friday, February 28/20.****