Monday, 30 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -  Finished the acrostic for Cortes. Read about omens on p. 306-307. Finished the reading p. 308-310.

Social Studies 8E  - Students redid the walk-in assignment. Reviewed the readings about omens on p. 306-307. Finished the reading p. 308-309. .***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn

Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed the doughnut worksheet, and the gov't intervention worksheet (handed in). Will review case study No. 1 next class. ****Chapter 6 exam on Wednesday, May 2nd*****
 Social Studies 9D  - NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed the worksheet on Government Intervention worksheet.  Only 4 students were finished the Case study #1 worksheet, so those students were able to watch the video...***Case studies #1, 2, 3 due next class.  ****Chapter 6 exam on Wednesday, May 2nd*****

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Friday, 27 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -  Students wrote the Chapter 8 exam today.  Students should do the 4 vocabulary words, and read about omens on p. 306-307.

Social Studies 8E  - Students wrote the Chapter 8 exam today.  Students should do the 4 vocabulary words, and read about omens on p. 306-307.
.***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the doughnut worksheet, and the gov't intervention worksheet (handed in). Will review case study No. 1 next class. ****Chapter 6 exam on Wednesday, May 2nd*****
 Social Studies 9D  - Reviewed the worksheet on Government Intervention worksheet.  Only 4 students were finished the Case study #1 worksheet, so those students were able to watch the video...***Case studies #1, 2, 3 due next class.  ****Chapter 6 exam on Wednesday, May 2nd*****

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -   Students completed a review sheet about Hernando Cortes. Students handed in the Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared".   Reviewed acrostic for Moctezuma; students were to decide if qualities were positive or negative.  ****Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 27th***

Social Studies 8E  - Students completed a review sheet about Hernando Cortes. Watched a short Biography about Hernando Cortes. Reviewed acrostics for each leader; students were to decide if qualities were positive or negative.  Read pages 303-305.  Began to look at omens on pages 306-308.***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn********Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 27th***

Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY. Students were to read about competition, and complete the doughnut shop analysis sheet.  Students are read pages 213-214 about gov't intervention and monopolies, and complete the worksheet.  Students are to begin the worksheet: Case Study #1, and ensure it is completed for next day.

 Social Studies 9D  - NO CLASS TODAY. Discussed competition and monopolies.  For homework, students are to complete the worksheet on Government Intervention, and Case study No. 1.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -   Read about Hernando Cortes (p. 302). and Moctezuma (p. 272).  Discussed qualities of each leader.  Students are to finish creating their acrostic for each leader.  Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared" worksheet due: Thursday, April 26th. (some class time given today) ****Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 27th***

Social Studies 8E  - Students handed in the Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared". Read about Hernando Cortes (p. 302). and Moctezuma (p. 272).  Discussed qualities of each leader.  Students are to finish creating their acrostic for each leader. ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn********Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 27th***

Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY. Students were to read about competition, and complete the doughnut shop analysis sheet.  Students are read pages 213-214 about gov't intervention and monopolies, and complete the worksheet.  Students are to begin the worksheet: Case Study #1, and ensure it is completed for next day.

 Social Studies 9D  - Discussed competition and monopolies.  For homework, students are to complete the worksheet on Government Intervention, and Case study No. 1.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    Students went on the field trip today. Read pages 282, 298, and 300. Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared" worksheet due: Thursday, April 26th. (some class time given today) ****Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 27th***

Social Studies 8E  - NO CLASS TODAY. Read pages 282, 298, and 300. Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared" worksheet due: Wednesday, April 25th. ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn********Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 27th***

Social Studies 9B - Students were to read about competition, and complete the doughnut shop analysis sheet.  Students are read pages 213-214 about gov't intervention and monopolies, and complete the worksheet.  Students are to begin the worksheet: Case Study #1, and ensure it is completed for next day.

 Social Studies 9D  - Reviewed the "What If" worksheet.  Reviewed the handout: "What are the Principles of the Market Economy? 9.2.4 Looked at "competition"  students completed a worksheet analyzing competing doughnut shops.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Monday, 23 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    NO CLASS TODAY. Finished reviewing Spanish Social Systems, Political and Economic Systems and Culture. Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared" worksheet due: Thursday, April 26th. (some class time given today) ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, April 24 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 27th***

Social Studies 8E  - Read pages 282, 298, and 300. Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared" worksheet due: Wednesday, April 25th. ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn********Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 27th***

Social Studies 9B - Finished watching and reviewing the video sheet for the video about America and the Great Depression. Read and took notes on pages 209 - 210. Watched a video about supply, demand, and price. Completed and reviewed the "What If" worksheet. Students were given the handout: "What are the Principles of the Market Economy? 9.2.4 (students should study and review the worksheet).

 Social Studies 9D  - Read and took notes on pages 209 - 210. Watched a video about supply, demand, and price.  Students were given the handout: "What are the Principles of the Market Economy? 9.2.4 (students should study and review the worksheet). For homework, students should complete the "What If" worksheet.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    Finished reviewing Spanish Social Systems, Political and Economic Systems and Culture. Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared" worksheet due: Thursday, April 26th. (some class time given today) ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, April 24 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 27th***

Social Studies 8E  - Finished reviewing Spanish Social Systems, Political and Economic Systems and Culture.Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared" worksheet due: Wednesday, April 25th. (some class time given today)***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn********Chapter 8 Exam on Friday, April 27th***

Social Studies 9B - Watched a video about food shortages in Cuba. Finished reviewing the worksheet:What's the best way to achieve the public good? Watched a video about America and the Great Depression (will finish next day).

 Social Studies 9D  - NO CLASS TODAY. Finished reviewing the worksheet:What's the best way to achieve the public good? Watched a video about America and the Great Depression; reviewed the accompanying video worksheet.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    Review page 272; had a discussion about clothing, dress codes. Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared" worksheet due: Thursday, April 26th. (some class time to be given on Thursday) ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, April 24 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 8E  - Review page 272; had a discussion about clothing, dress codes. Has some time to work on questions.  Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared" worksheet due: Wednesday, April 25th. (some class time given today and some to be given on Thursday)***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the worksheet: Mixed, Market or Centrally Planned?  Students are to read pages 205-208, and complete the worksheet: What's the best way to achieve the public good? for next class. Next class, will watch a video about food shortages in Cuba.

 Social Studies 9D  - Finished reviewing the worksheet:What's the best way to achieve the public good? Watched a video about America and the Great Depression; reviewed the accompanying video worksheet.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    Finished reviewing Aztec worldview.  Handed out study notes. Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared" worksheet due: Thursday, April 26th. (some class time to be given on Thursday) ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, April 24 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 8E  - Finished reviewing Aztec worldview.  Assignment: "Aztec and Spanish Compared" worksheet due: Wednesday, April 25th. (some class time given today and some to be given on Thursday)***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY. Students wrote a quiz today. For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: Mixed, Market or Centrally Planned?, read pages 205-208, and complete the worksheet: What's the best way to achieve the public good? for next class.

 Social Studies 9D  - NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed the worksheet: Mixed, Market or Centrally Planned?, Began to review the worksheet:What's the best way to achieve the public good? Watched a video about food shortages in Cuba.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Monday, 16 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    Students printed their group Ch. 8 materials. Began to do a quick review of ch. 8 material.  ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, April 24 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 8E  - Students printed their group Ch. 8 materials. Began to do a quick review of ch. 8 material. Handed out study notes.***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY. Students wrote a quiz today. For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: Mixed, Market or Centrally Planned?, read pages 205-208, and complete the worksheet: What's the best way to achieve the public good? for next class.

 Social Studies 9D  - Reviewed the worksheet: Mixed, Market or Centrally Planned?, Began to review the worksheet:What's the best way to achieve the public good? Watched a video about food shortages in Cuba.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Friday, 13 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    Students should have finished most of the work in groups to summarize and organize chapter 8 material. (social systems and political/economic systems, culture) Will print sheets on Monday.  ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, April 24 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 8E  - NO CLASS TODAY. Students should have finished most of the work in groups to summarize and organize chapter 8 material. (social systems and political/economic systems, culture) ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 9B - Students wrote a quiz today. For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: Mixed, Market or Centrally Planned?, read pages 205-208, and complete the worksheet: What's the best way to achieve the public good? for next class.

 Social Studies 9D  - Students wrote a quiz today. For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: Mixed, Market or Centrally Planned?, read pages 205-208, and complete the worksheet: What's the best way to achieve the public good? for next class.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    NO CLASS TODAY. Students continued to work in groups to summarize and organize chapter 8 material (social systems, political and economic systems)  ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, April 24 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 8E  - Students should have finished most of the work in groups to summarize and organize chapter 8 material. (social systems and political/economic systems, culture) ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 9B - Finished constructing the economic continuum (p. 204). Watched a video about economic systems.  Students worked in pairs to completed charts/tables about economic systems and characteristics. Students should prepare for a quiz tomorrow week on pages 194-204.

 Social Studies 9D  - Finished constructing the economic continuum (p. 204). Watched a video about economic systems.  Students worked in pairs to completed charts/tables about economic systems and characteristics. Students should prepare for a quiz tomorrow week on pages 194-204.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    Students continued to work in groups to summarize and organize chapter 8 material (social systems, political and economic systems)  ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, April 24 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 8E  -  Students continued to work in groups to summarize and organize chapter 8 material. (social systems and political/economic systems, culture) ***Social Studies Field Trip: Tuesday, May 1 - Forms and payment to be completed via Acorn****

Social Studies 9B - Began to construct an economic continuum using jungle/zoo analogy.  Students should prepare for a quiz later this week on pages 194-204.

 Social Studies 9D  - NO CLASS TODAY.  Began to construct an economic continuum using jungle/zoo analogy..  Students should prepare for a quiz later this week on pages 194-204.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    Students worked in groups to summarize and organize chapter 8 material (social systems)

Social Studies 8E  -  Students worked in groups to summarize and organize chapter 8 material. (social systems and political/economic systems)

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed and took notes on pages 194-203.  Students should prepare for a quiz later this week on pages 194-204.

 Social Studies 9D  - Reviewed and took notes on pages 194-203.  Students should prepare for a quiz later this week on pages 194-204.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Monday, 9 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    Completed text mapping for chapter 8 (p. 262-263).  Previewed the group work for the week.

Social Studies 8E  - Completed text mapping for chapter 8 (p. 262-263).  Previewed the group work for the week.

Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY. Students handed in the Immigration Issues worksheet today and wrote the Ch. 5 exam. Students were given the vocabulary sheet for Chapter 6.  Watched remaining two videos about economic systems.

 Social Studies 9D  - NO CLASS TODAY. Chapter 6 outline handed out. Reviewed and took notes on pages 194-203.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Friday, 6 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    Students wrote the Chapter 7 Exam today.  Students are to work on the Ch. 8 vocabulary, and read pages 262-263.

Social Studies 8E  -  Students wrote the Chapter 7 Exam today.  Students are to work on the Ch. 8 vocabulary, and read pages 262-263.

Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY. Students handed in the Immigration Issues worksheet today and wrote the Ch. 5 exam. Students were given the vocabulary sheet for Chapter 6.  Watched remaining two videos about economic systems.

 Social Studies 9D  - Chapter 6 outline handed out. Reviewed and took notes on pages 194-203.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    Students had a walk-in assignment today.  Handed out Ch. 8 Vocabulary sheet, and ch.7 study guide. ***Chapter 7 Exam: Friday, April 6***

Social Studies 8E  -  NO CLASS TODAY. Students had a walk-in assignment today.  Handed out Ch. 8 Vocabulary sheet, and ch.7 study guide. ***Chapter 7 Exam: Friday, April 6***

Social Studies 9B - Students handed in the Immigration Issues worksheet today and wrote the Ch. 5 exam. Students were given the vocabulary sheet for Chapter 6.  Watched remaining two videos about economic systems.

 Social Studies 9D  - Students handed in the Immigration Issues worksheet today and wrote the Ch. 5 exam. Students were given the vocabulary sheet for Chapter 6.

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link:

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Social Studies 8C -    NO CLASS TODAY. Read about creation stories (p. 258-259). Watched a video about the engineering feats of the Aztec. ***Chapter 7 Exam: Friday, April 6***

Social Studies 8E  -  Students had a walk-in assignment today.  Handed out Ch. 8 Vocabulary sheet, and ch.7 study guide. ***Chapter 7 Exam: Friday, April 6***

Social Studies 9B - Students handed in the Immigration Statistics assignment. Watched 2 videos about economic systems.  Students were introduced to annotation.  Students are to annotate the reading assignment, and summarize the important parts on the recap chart. ****Immigration Issues worksheet Due: Thursday, April 5th. *****Chapter 5 Exam: Thursday, April 5th***

 Social Studies 9D  - Watched 2 videos about economic systems.  Students were introduced to annotation.  Students are to annotate the reading assignment, and summarize the important parts on the recap chart.***Immigration Issues worksheet Due: Thursday, April 5th.*****Chapter 5 Exam: Thursday, April 5th***

Social Studies 8 Textbook Link: