Monday, 7 November 2016

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the chart on the Media worksheet, and the front page of the worksheet. Discussed the role of lobbyists.  Students took notes on the last section of chapter 1.  Students were given a fill-in-the-blank worksheet to complete for homework.

Social Studies 9E - NO CLASS TODAY.  Discussed the role of lobbyists.  Students took notes on the last section of chapter 1.  Students were given a fill-in-the-blank worksheet to complete for homework.

Social Studies 9G -  Handed out the speech outline today.  Reviewed criteria. Discussed plagiarism. Research period on Wednesday, Nov. 9th.

*****Chapter 1 exam on Monday, Nov. 14**************** 

******Chapter 1 Speech due: Tuesday, Nov. 15********************

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