Friday 27 September 2024

 Social Studies 9A - Watched a video about survivors of Residential Schools.********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24****

 Social Studies 9B -  Students completed a Truth & Reconciliation activity. ********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24****

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the worksheet: The Gun Law: Point/Counterpoint. ********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24****

Thursday 26 September 2024

 Social Studies 9A - Reviewed the worksheet: Point/Counterpoint.********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24****

 Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed the worksheet: Point/Counterpoint.********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24****

 Social Studies 9E - Finished watching a video about gun control in Canada, and the gun registry.  Reviewed the handout: The Evolution of Canadian Gun Control. Students and the paragraph response on page 2.  Students began to work on the worksheet: The Gun Law: Point/Counterpoint. (we will review this next class) .********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24****

Wednesday 25 September 2024

 Social Studies 9A - Reviewed paragraph response on page 2 of the handout: The Evolution of Gun Control.  Looked at existing gun laws. Students are to read and complete the worksheet: Point/Counterpoint for next class.********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24****

 Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed paragraph response on page 2 of the handout: The Evolution of Gun Control.  Looked at existing gun laws. Students are to read and complete the worksheet: Point/Counterpoint for next class.********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24**** 1/24****

 Social Studies 9E - Began to watch a video about gun control in Canada, and the gun registry.  For homework, students are to read the handout: The Evolution of Canadian Gun Control. Students are to complete the paragraph response on page 2. ********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24****

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Social Studies 9A - Looked at gun statistics; reviewed item #4 on page 13.  Watched a video about the gun registry.  For homework, students are to read the handout and complete the paragraph response on page 2.********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24****

 Social Studies 9B -  Looked at gun statistics; reviewed item #4 on page 13.  Watched a video about the gun registry.  For homework, students are to read the handout and complete the paragraph response on page 2.********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24****

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the bottom half of page 2.  Watched a video about the gun issue in Chicago.  Looked at statistics about guns around the world. ********Introduction exam on Tuesday, October 1/24****

Monday 23 September 2024

Social Studies 9A - Finished the second page of  the handout: "Identifying the Stakeholders".  Reviewed items #2, 3, & 4 on pages12-13.  Watched a short video about the guns crisis in Chicago.

 Social Studies 9B -  Finished the second page of  the handout: "Identifying the Stakeholders".  Reviewed items #2, 3, & 4 on pages12-13.  Watched a short video about the guns crisis in Chicago.

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed pages 10-11; Began to discuss the issue of Gun ownership restrictions. Began to look at how to "Spot and respond to the issue" on page 12.  Began to practice item #1 on page 12.  In class, we completed the first page of the handout: "Identifying the Stakeholders", as well a the top half of page 2.  For homework, students should complete the bottom half of page 2.

Thursday 19 September 2024

Social Studies 9A - Reviewed pages 10-11; Began to discuss the issue of Gun ownership restrictions. Began to look at how to "Spot and respond to the issue" on page 12.  Began to practice item #1 on page 12.  As a class, we completed the first page of the handout: "Identifying the Stakeholders".

 Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed pages 10-11; Began to discuss the issue of Gun ownership restrictions. Began to look at how to "Spot and respond to the issue" on page 12.  Began to practice item #1 on page 12.  As a class, we completed the first page of the handout: "Identifying the Stakeholders".

 Social Studies 9E - Completed the activity: "Spectrum".

Wednesday 18 September 2024

 Social Studies 9A - Students completed the class activity "Spectrum" - learning how to provide reasoned responses.

 Social Studies 9B - Students completed the class activity "Spectrum" - learning how to provide reasoned responses.

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the worksheet: "What's your opinion?" 

Tuesday 17 September 2024

 Social Studies 9A - Reviewed the worksheet: "What's your opinion?" 

 Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the worksheet: "What's your opinion?" 

 Social Studies 9E - Finished reviewing and taking notes on pages  8-9.  Reviewed how to create issue statements.  Students are to complete the "What's my opinion?" worksheet for next class.

Monday 16 September 2024

Social Studies 9A - Finished reviewing pages 8-9; Students took notes from these pages.  Students began to complete the worksheet: "What's your opinion?" - We will review this next class.

 Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the content on pages 8-9 of the textbook.  Reviewed how to construct issue statements.  Students had time to complete the worksheet: "What's your opinion?" - We will review this next class.

 Social Studies 9E - Students took notes about "citizenship".  Began to review pages 8-9; Students took notes from these pages.  We will continue next class.

Friday 13 September 2024

  Social Studies 9A -  Students took notes about "citizenship".  Began to review pages 8-9; Students took notes from these pages.

 Social Studies 9B - Students finished notes about "citizenship".  Began to review pages 8-9; Students took notes from these pages.

 Social Studies 9E - No class today due to Res Run.

Thursday 12 September 2024

  Social Studies 9A -  Reviewed the numbers from "If the world were 100 people video". Students completed the reverse side of the worksheet; discussed as a class.

 Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the numbers from "If the world were 100 people video". Students completed the reverse side of the worksheet; discussed as a class.  Students began to take notes about "citizenship".

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the numbers from "If the world were 100 people video". Students completed the reverse side of the worksheet; discussed as a class.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

 Social Studies 9A -  Students wrote a formative Q of L quiz.  Watched the "100 people video" Began to review the numbers from "If the world were 100 people video".

 Social Studies 9B - Students wrote a formative Q of L quiz.  Reviewed the numbers from "If the world were 100 people video".

 Social Studies 9E - Students wrote a formative Q of L quiz.  Watched the "100 people video" Began to review the numbers from "If the world were 100 people video".

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Social Studies 9A -  Students took notes about developed & developing countries.  Students received a summary sheet for Q of L indicators, and finished the back side of the sheet identifying their "top 5" indicators of Q of L.  Watched a video about "If the world were 100 people."

 Social Studies 9B - Students took notes about developed & developing countries.  Students received a summary sheet for Q of L indicators, and finished the back side of the sheet identifying their "top 5" indicators of Q of L.  

 Social Studies 9E - Students took notes about developed & developing countries.  Students received a summary sheet for Q of L indicators, and finished the back side of the sheet identifying their "top 5" indicators of Q of L.  

Monday 9 September 2024

  Social Studies 9A -  Reviewed the positive & negative chart for Jose & Emma.  Discussed as a class.  Students handed in their paragraphs about whom has the better quality of life.

 Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the positive & negative chart for Jose & Emma.  Discussed as a class.  Students handed in their paragraphs about whom has the better quality of life.

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the positive & negative chart for Jose & Emma.  Discussed as a class. 

Friday 6 September 2024

  Social Studies 9A -  Reviewed individual and collective identity.  Reviewed the five aspects of Quality of Life.  Read through the stories about Jose and Emma.  Students are to identify aspects of QofL from the stories and place them in the chart on page 2.  The students should complete the format for the paragraph given in class.

 Social Studies 9B - Reviewed individual and collective identity.  Reviewed the five aspects of Quality of Life.  Read through the stories about Jose and Emma.  Students are to identify aspects of QofL from the stories and place them in the chart on page 2.  The students should complete the format for the paragraph given in class.

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed individual and collective identity.  Reviewed the five aspects of Quality of Life.  Read through the stories about Jose and Emma.  Students are to identify aspects of QofL from the stories and place them in the chart on page 2.  The students should complete the format for the paragraph given in class.

Thursday 5 September 2024

 Social Studies 9A -  Reviewed the perspective & point of view worksheet (using pages 6-7); Reviewed the identity worksheet. Students took notes about "Quality of Life"  **Students should bring a highlighter to tomorrow's class.

 Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed the perspective & point of view worksheet (using pages 6-7); Reviewed the identity worksheet. Students took notes about "Quality of Life"  **Students should bring a highlighter to tomorrow's class.

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the perspective & point of view worksheet (using pages 6-7); We will review the identity worksheet next class. Students took notes about "Quality of Life"  **Students should bring a highlighter to tomorrow's class.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

  Social Studies 9A -  Finished taking notes from yesterday.  Students are to read p.6-7 and complete the worksheet handed out in class identifying perspective and point of view. (students are also to finish the reverse side of the worksheet - individual identity). Students may continue to work on vocabulary.

 Social Studies 9B -  Finished taking notes from yesterday.  Students are to read p.6-7 and complete the worksheet handed out in class identifying perspective and point of view. (students are also to finish the reverse side of the worksheet - individual identity). Handed out the vocabulary sheet; students may begin to work on this as well.

 Social Studies 9E - Finished taking notes from yesterday.  Students are to read p.6-7 and complete the worksheet handed out in class identifying perspective and point of view. (students are also to finish the reverse side of the worksheet - individual identity). Handed out the vocabulary sheet; students may begin to work on this as well.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

 Social Studies 9A - Students handed in their "Learner Profile" **(Due: Tuesday, September 3)**.  Reviewed "Critical Thinking" - went through the handout about "Thinking Critical".  Read through pages 2-5.  Students took brief notes from those pages.  Handed out the vocabulary for the Introductory chapter. ****Students are to complete the vocabulary words appearing on pages 2-5 of the textbook.

 Social Studies 9B -  Students handed in their "Learner Profile" **(Due: Tuesday, September 3)**.  Reviewed "Critical Thinking" - went through the handout about "Thinking Critical".  Read through pages 2-5.  Students took brief notes from those pages. 

 Social Studies 9E - Students handed in their "Learner Profile" **(Due: Tuesday, September 3)**. Finished revieiwing the "Critical Thinking Challenge" Reviewed "Critical Thinking" - went through the handout about "Thinking Critical".  Read through pages 2-5.