Social Studies 9B - No class today due to PAT writing.
Social Studies 9C - Review
Social Studies 9E - Finished the worksheet about the environment.
******Social Studies 9 PAT on Tuesday, June 25/24******
Social Studies 9B - Reviewed questions #7-14 in the booklet. Did rapid fire review for Chapter 6; handed out the Chapter 6 review package.
Social Studies 9C - Reviewed questions #7-14 in the booklet. Did rapid fire review for Chapter 6; handed out the Chapter 6 review package.
Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the first worksheet about the environment. Students began to work on the worksheet: "Government Decisions and the Environment". We will review this sheet next class.Social Studies 9B - Students wrote a practice PAT today. After the exam, students should read pages 320-335, and complete the rest of the environment booklet.
Social Studies 9C - Students wrote a practice PAT today. After the exam, students should read pages 320-335, and complete the rest of the environment booklet.
Social Studies 9E - Students wrote a practice PAT today. After the exam, students began to work on the worksheet about Chapter 9 the environment.
Social Studies 9B - Reviewed pages 1-2 of the handout given in class. Watched a video about climate change. Chapter 5 review (handed out a review booklet and did rapid fire review). For homework, students should complete pages 3-4 of the Environment booklet.
Social Studies 9C - Reviewed pages 1-2 of the handout given in class. Watched a video about climate change. Chapter 5 review (handed out a review booklet and did rapid fire review). For homework, students should complete pages 3-4 of the Environment booklet.
Social Studies 9E - Finished the Chapter 8 review booklet. Read and reviewed pages 298-299, and page 302.Social Studies 9B - Reviewed pages 298-316. For homework, students should complete page 1-2 of the handout given in class.
Social Studies 9C - Reviewed pages 298-316. For homework, students should complete page 1-2 of the handout given in class.
Social Studies 9E - Continued to work on the Chapter 8 review booklet. As a class, we reviewed most of the booklet together.Social Studies 9B - Finished watching "Sicko" and reviewed the viewing sheet.
Social Studies 9C - Finished watching "Sicko" and reviewed the viewing sheet.
Social Studies 9E - Worked on and reviewed the sheet about pages 289-290. Handed out the Chapter 8 review booklet. Students began to work on the multiple choice questions (#9-15) on the last sheet of the booklet.Social Studies 9B - Continued to watch "Sicko" and complete a viewing sheet.
Social Studies 9C - Continued to watch "Sicko" and complete a viewing sheet.
Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the worksheet political platforms and parties. Looked at the two U.S. political parties and their beliefs. (p. 290). Read about Tommy Douglas (p. 291), and watched a video about why Tommy Douglas was a great Canadian. Handed out a review sheet about pages 289-290 (which we will work on tomorrow).
Social Studies 9B - Began to watch "Sicko" and complete a viewing sheet.
Social Studies 9C - Began to watch "Sicko" and complete a viewing sheet.
Social Studies 9E - Reviewed "political platforms" on pages 286-290. Looked at the political spectrum on p. 288. Students started to complete a worksheet on these pages.
Social Studies 9B - Finished watching the video about Tommy Douglas. Reviewed the basic political spectrum. Did a rapid fire review for Chapters 3 & 4. Review sheets for chapters 3 & 4 for given out to students.
Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the basic political spectrum. Did a rapid fire review for Chapters 3 & 4. Review sheets for chapters 3 & 4 for given out to students.
Social Studies 9E - Reviewed questions #1-9 on the handout from yesterday. Began to review "political platforms" on page 286.Social Studies 9B - Finished looking at political parties on
pages 286-287. Finished political parties on pages 288-289 (Canadian & U.S.). Students read page 291, and watched a video about Tommy Douglas.
Social Studies 9C - Finished looking at political parties on pages 286-287. Finished political parties on pages 288-289 (Canadian & U.S.). Students read page 291, and watched a video about Tommy Douglas.
Social Studies 9E - Reviewed pages 281-285. Students began to work on questions #1-9 on the handout given today.
Social Studies 9B - Reviewed (4 articles) . Students read & discussed pages 284-285. Completed the "Political Spectrum Quiz". Began to look at political parties on pages 286-287.
Social Studies 9C - Reviewed (4 articles) . Students read & discussed pages 284-285. Completed the "Political Spectrum Quiz". Began to look at political parties on pages 286-287.
Social Studies 9E - Reviewed page 2 of the handout about health care. Looked at the types of taxes on page 281. Looked at government spending on page 282. Social Studies 9B - Reviewed/analyzed cartoons about health. Reviewed taxation & terminology on pages 281-283. For homework, students are to read pages 276-277 (4 articles) and complete the recap sheet provided in class (both sides).
Social Studies 9C - Reviewed/analyzed cartoons about health. Reviewed taxation &
terminology on pages 281-283. For homework, students are to read pages
276-277 (4 articles) and complete the recap sheet provided in class (both sides).
Social Studies 9E - Students completed part 2 of the review. We went over the sheet as a class. Read aloud the four articles on pages 276-277. Completed page 1 of the handout sheet. For homework, students are to complete page 2 of the handout.
Social Studies 9B - Students completed a review of Can/US social programs. Finished reviewing the Five principles of health care in Canada (p. 274). Students took notes about issues with our health care system.
Social Studies 9C - Students completed a review of Can/US social programs. Finished reviewing the Five principles of health care in Canada (p. 274). Students took notes about issues with our health care system.
Social Studies 9E - Finished reviewing the Five principles of health care in Canada (p. 274). Looked at cartoons showing various perspectives of Canadian & US social programs. Students began to work on a review of Can/US social programs. As a class, we completed part 1 of the review. We will review the second part tomorrow.