Social Studies 9B - Reviewed Case Study #1. Introduced Case Study #2. for homework, students are to complete the questions for Case
Study #2 in the handout given in class. If students have time, they should begin reading about Case Study #3.****Chapter 6 Exam - Wednesday, May 3, 2023****
Social Studies 9C - Reviewed Case Study #1. Introduced Case Study #2. for homework, students are to complete the questions for Case Study #2 in the handout given in class. If students have time, they should begin reading about Case Study #3.****Chapter 6 Exam - Wednesday, May 3, 2023****
Social Studies 9E - Reviewed Case Study #1. Introduced Case Study #2. for homework, students are to complete the questions for Case Study #2 in the handout given in class. If students have time, they should begin reading about Case Study #3.****Chapter 6 Exam - Wednesday, May 3, 2023****