Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Social Studies 9B - Finished reviewing p. 254-256 (Marketing) and the accompanying worksheet.  Began to watch "The story of stuff" to understand about the linear economy and environmental impacts.  Will finish next class.

Social Studies 9C - Finished reviewing p. 254-256 (Marketing) and the accompanying worksheet.  Began to watch "The story of stuff" to understand about the linear economy and environmental impacts.  Will finish next class.

Social Studies 9G - Finished reviewing p. 254-256 (Marketing) and the accompanying worksheet.  Began to watch "The story of stuff" to understand about the linear economy and environmental impacts.  Will finish next class.

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 


Monday, 30 May 2022

 Social Studies 9B - Reviewed pages 252-253 (Environment) and began to review pages 254-256 (Marketing) and the accompanying worksheet (Omit #6, 7 8 on the marketing worksheet).

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed pages 252-253 (Environment) and began to review pages 254-256 (Marketing) and the accompanying worksheet (Omit #6, 7 8 on the marketing worksheet).

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed pages 252-253 (Environment) and began to review pages 254-256 (Marketing) and the accompanying worksheet (Omit #6, 7 8 on the marketing worksheet).

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 


Thursday, 26 May 2022

 Social Studies 9B - Reviewed Health & Safety and Jobs worksheet. For homework, students are to read pages 252-253 (Environment) and pages 254-256 (Marketing) and do the accompanying worksheet (Omit #6, 7 8 on the marketing worksheet).

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed Health & Safety and Jobs worksheet. For homework, students are to read pages 252-253 (Environment) and pages 254-256 (Marketing) and do the accompanying worksheet (Omit #6, 7 8 on the marketing worksheet).

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed Health & Safety and Jobs worksheet. For homework, students are to read pages 252-253 (Environment) and pages 254-256 (Marketing) and do the accompanying worksheet (Omit #6, 7 8 on the marketing worksheet).

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

 Social Studies 9B - Reviewed ch. 7 introduction (p. 238-239).  Reviewed page 243.  Reviewed the factor of  "Identity" (p. 244-245) and the worksheet for those pages.  Students are to read pages 248-249 (Health & Safety) and pages 250-251 (Jobs) and do the accompanying worksheet for next class.

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed ch. 7 introduction (p. 238-239).  Reviewed page 243.  Reviewed the factor of  "Identity" (p. 244-245) and the worksheet for those pages.  Students are to read pages 248-249 (Health & Safety) and pages 250-251 (Jobs) and do the accompanying worksheet for next class.

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed ch. 7 introduction (p. 238-239).  Reviewed page 243.  Reviewed the factor of  "Identity" (p. 244-245) and the worksheet for those pages.  Students are to read pages 248-249 (Health & Safety) and pages 250-251 (Jobs) and do the accompanying worksheet for next class.

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

 Social Studies 9B - Students worked on the Chapter 2 review sheet (after the powerpoint review).  Worksheets on pages 244-245 needs to be completed for next class.

Social Studies 9C - Students worked on the Chapter 2 review sheet (after the powerpoint review).  Worksheets on pages 244-245 needs to be completed for next class.

Social Studies 9G - Students worked on the Chapter 2 review sheet (after the powerpoint review).  Worksheets on pages 244-245 needs to be completed for next class.

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Social Studies 9B - Students wrote the Chapter 6 exam and handed in the Chapter 6 Summative assignment.  After the exam, students were to read pages 238-239; 242-245 and complete the worksheet on Consumer Choice.

Social Studies 9C - Students wrote the Chapter 6 exam and handed in the Chapter 6 Summative assignment.  After the exam, students were to read pages 238-239; 242-245 and complete the worksheet on Consumer Choice.

Social Studies 9G - Students wrote the Chapter 6 exam and handed in the Chapter 6 Summative assignment.  After the exam, students were to read pages 238-239; 242-245 and complete the worksheet on Consumer Choice.

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 


Tuesday, 17 May 2022


Social Studies 9B - Finished reviewing Case Study #3 - Unions.  Handed out a chapter 6 review sheet.  Students had time to work on the ch. 6 summative assignment, or study for the exam for tomorrow. Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

Social Studies 9C - Finished reviewing Case Study #3 - Unions.  Handed out a chapter 6 review sheet.  Students had time to work on the ch. 6 summative assignment, or study for the exam for tomorrow. Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

Social Studies 9G - Finished reviewing Case Study #3 - Unions.  Handed out a chapter 6 review sheet.  Students had time to work on the ch. 6 summative assignment, or study for the exam for tomorrow. Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 

Monday, 16 May 2022


Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY due to ELA PAT.  Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

Social Studies 9C - NO CLASS TODAY due to ELA PAT.  Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

Social Studies 9G - NO CLASS TODAY due to ELA PAT.  Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 

Thursday, 12 May 2022


Social Studies 9B - Reviewed  Case study #2 worksheet. Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed  Case study #1 & #3 worksheets.  Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed  Case study #1 & #3 worksheets.  Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed  Case study #1 worksheet. For homework, students are to read Case Study # 2 & Case Study #3, and complete the worksheets. Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed  Case study #1 worksheet. For homework, students are to read Case Study # 2 & Case Study #3, and complete the worksheets. Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed  Case study #1 worksheet. For homework, students are to read Case Study # 2 & Case Study #3, and complete the worksheets. Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 


Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the worksheet entitled "Government Intervention".  For homework, students are to read pages 219-225, and complete the Case study #1 worksheet. Handed out the Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the worksheet entitled "Government Intervention".  For homework, students are to read pages 219-225, and complete the Case study #1 worksheet. Handed out the Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed the worksheet entitled "Government Intervention".  For homework, students are to read pages 219-225, and complete the Case study #1 worksheet. Handed out the Ch. 6 summative assignment ****Due: Wednesday, May 18/22***** Chapter 6 Exam:Wednesday, May 18/22****

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 


Monday, 9 May 2022


Social Studies 9B - Students wrote the Supply and Demand quiz today.  Reviewed "monopolies" on page 213.  Discussed gov't intervention in Market and mixed economies.  For homework, students are to read pages 214-215 and complete the worksheet entitled "Government Intervention".

Social Studies 9C - Students wrote the Supply and Demand quiz today.  Reviewed "monopolies" on page 213.  Discussed gov't intervention in Market and mixed economies.  For homework, students are to read pages 214-215 and complete the worksheet entitled "Government Intervention".

Social Studies 9G - Students wrote the Supply and Demand quiz today.  Reviewed "monopolies" on page 213.  Discussed gov't intervention in Market and mixed economies.  For homework, students are to read pages 214-215 and complete the worksheet entitled "Government Intervention".

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 

Friday, 6 May 2022

Social Studies 9B -  Began Chapter 1 review today.  Summary notes and review worksheet worksheet are on the Moodle under the very last section "Review"   ****Supply and Demand quiz on Monday, May 9/22*****

Social Studies 9C - Began Chapter 1 review today.  Summary notes and review worksheet worksheet are on the Moodle under the very last section "Review"   ****Supply and Demand quiz on Monday, May 9/22*****

Social Studies 9G - Began Chapter 1 review today.  Summary notes and review worksheet worksheet are on the Moodle under the very last section "Review"   ****Supply and Demand quiz on Monday, May 9/22*****

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 


Thursday, 5 May 2022

 Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed  #6-10 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?".  Students took notes on pages 212-213 about Competition.  Reviewed the Case Study about doughnut shops (p. 212) and reviewed Monopolies (p. 213). ****Supply and Demand quiz on Monday, May 9/22*****

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed  #6-10 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?".  Students took notes on pages 212-213 about Competition.  Reviewed the Case Study about doughnut shops (p. 212) and reviewed Monopolies (p. 213). ****Supply and Demand quiz on Monday, May 9/22*****

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed  #6-10 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?".  Students took notes on pages 212-213 about Competition.  Reviewed the Case Study about doughnut shops (p. 212) and reviewed Monopolies (p. 213). ****Supply and Demand quiz on Monday, May 9/22*****

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

 Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed the "What If" statements and pages 1 & 2 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?". For homework, students are to complete questions #6-10 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?".  ****Supply and Demand quiz on Monday, May 9/22*****

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the "What If" statements and pages 1 & 2 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?". For homework, students are to complete questions #6-10 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?".  ****Supply and Demand quiz on Monday, May 9/22*****

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed the "What If" statements and pages 1 & 2 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?". For homework, students are to complete questions #6-10 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?".  ****Supply and Demand quiz on Monday, May 9/22*****

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Social Studies 9B -  Students took notes about Supply and Demand.  Watched a video illustrating supply, demand and price.  Students began to work on the "What If" statements.  For homework, students are to complete page 1 & 2 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?".  We will review both these sheets tomorrow.

Social Studies 9C - Students took notes about Supply and Demand.  Watched a video illustrating supply, demand and price.  Students began to work on the "What If" statements.  For homework, students are to complete page 1 & 2 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?".  We will review both these sheets tomorrow.

Social Studies 9G - Students took notes about Supply and Demand.  Watched a video illustrating supply, demand and price.  Students began to work on the "What If" statements.  For homework, students are to complete page 1 & 2 of the worksheet: "How do Market economies Work?".  We will review both these sheets tomorrow.

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results 


Monday, 2 May 2022

Social Studies 9B -  Watched a video about the great depression; Reviewed the video viewing sheet.

Social Studies 9C - Finished watching the video about the great depression; Reviewed the video viewing sheet.

Social Studies 9G - Finished watching the video about the great depression; Reviewed the video viewing sheet.

 ***last day to submit/complete Term 3 assignments/exams was Wednesday, April 13!!!!

 To view the StudentBudget consultation preliminary results: Preliminary Results