Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the worksheet: "Political Parties & Social Programs". Covered material on pages 291, 294-295. Watched a video about Tommy Douglas (the father of Canadian Health Care). For homework, students are to complete the Ch. 8 review page.
Social Studies 9D - Reviewed worksheet: "Political Parties & their role in Social Programs & Taxation" (using pages 286-291) . Discussed the Political Spectrum. Looked at Left Wing, Centre, Right Wing. Students completed the activity: "Where are you on the Political Spectrum?. Discussed results. Students worked in groups to complete the worksheet: "Political Parties & Social Programs". Reviewed the worksheet: Covered material on pages 291, 294-295. Watched a video about Tommy Douglas (the father of Canadian Health Care). For homework, students are to complete the Ch. 8 review page.
****Last day to submit outstanding assignments: Friday, June 11, 2021 @3:15pm.*****
***Chapter 8 Exam: Thursday, June 17***************