Friday, 30 October 2020

Social Studies 8E - Finished reviewing the City-State chart.  Students took down summary notes from the chapter.  Went over the components of Monday's exam.***students should begin preparing for the CHAPTER 1 EXAM scheduled for Monday, November 2/20**

Social Studies 9B  -  Reviewed pages 43-45.  Students worked to complete questions 50-58 in the Chapter 1 Booklet. "Understanding Canadian Government Questions" summative assignment due: Thursday, November 5, 2020. Students should prepare for a "Roles and Processes quiz ~ Tuesday, November 3/20.

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed pages 43-45.  Students worked to complete questions 50-58 in the Chapter 1 Booklet. "Understanding Canadian Government Questions" summative assignment due: Thursday, November 5, 2020. Students should prepare for a "Roles and Processes quiz ~ Tuesday, November 3/20.

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Social Studies 8E - Reviewed the  City-State Review chart, cause and effect chart, and city-state matching sheet, from yesterday.***students should begin preparing for the CHAPTER 1 EXAM scheduled for Monday, November 2/20**

Social Studies 9B  -  Students completed a formative worksheet about passing a bill in to law. Reviewed questions # 43-49 in the chapter 1 booklet. Handed out "Understanding Canadian Government Questions" today.  This is a summative assignment due: Thursday, November 5, 2020. Students should prepare for a "Roles and Processes quiz ~next Tuesday.

Social Studies 9D - Students completed a formative worksheet about passing a bill in to law. Reviewed questions # 43-49 in the chapter 1 booklet. Handed out "Understanding Canadian Government Questions" today.  This is a summative assignment due: Thursday, November 5, 2020. Students should prepare for a "Roles and Processes quiz ~next Tuesday.

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

 Social Studies 8E - Reviewed the "End-of-Chapter" Conclusion on page 46.  Handed out a City-State Review chart, cause and effect chart, and city-state matching sheet.  Students had class time to work on this, and should try to complete it for tomorrow.***students should begin preparing for the CHAPTER 1 EXAM scheduled for Monday, November 2/20**

Social Studies 9B  - Completed reading/taking notes about passing a bill into law (pages 40-41).  For homework, students should complete questions # 43-49 in the chapter 1 booklet.

Social Studies 9D - Completed reading/taking notes about passing a bill into law (pages 40-41).  For homework, students should complete questions # 43-49 in the chapter 1 booklet.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

 Social Studies 8E - Reviewed the questions from the worksheet:  How Did Genoa  Help Shape the Renaissance Worldview? Read page 45 aloud. Chapter 1 Study Guide handed out yesterday. ***students should begin preparing for the CHAPTER 1 EXAM scheduled for Monday, November 2/20**

Social Studies 9B  -Did not review the worksheet: Election vs. Appointment Summary, as no one had completed the worksheet. Reviewed pages 38-39. Began to read/take notes about passing a bill into law (pages 40-41).  Will continue notes tomorrow.

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed pages 38-39. Began to read/take notes about passing a bill into law (pages 40-41).  Will continue notes tomorrow.

Monday, 26 October 2020

Social Studies 8E - Reviewed the questions from the worksheet: How Did Venice  Contribute to the Italian Renaissance?  For homework, students are read pages 43-44, and complete the worksheet: How Did Genoa  Help Shape the Renaissance Worldview? Chapter 1 Study Guide handed out today. ***students should begin preparing for the CHAPTER 1 EXAM scheduled for Monday, November 2/20**

Social Studies 9B  - Continued to Review page 2 of the worksheet:  Election vs. Appointment (back). For homework students should complete the worksheet: Election vs. Appointment Summary. Students should read pages 38-39.

Social Studies 9D -  Continued to Review page 2 of the worksheet:  Election vs. Appointment (front and back). Students should read pages 38-39.


Friday, 23 October 2020

 Social Studies 8E - Reviewed the questions from the worksheet: How Did the City-State of Florence Reflect the Renaissance Worldview?  Students are encouraged to answer questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.  Read aloud pages 37--38.  For homework, students are to read pages 39-41, and complete the worksheet: How Did Venice  Contribute to the Italian Renaissance? ***students should begin preparing for the CHAPTER 1 EXAM scheduled for Monday, November 2/20**

Social Studies 9B  - Students wrote the "Branches" quiz today.  Reviewed the Intro exam.  Reviewed page 1 of the worksheet:  Election vs. Appointment (font and back). We will review the rest of the worksheet next class. For homework, students should read pages 38-39.

Social Studies 9D -  Students wrote the "Branches" quiz today.  Reviewed the Intro exam.  Did not have time to review the worksheet:  Election vs. Appointment (font and back). We will review the worksheet next class. For homework, students should read pages 38-39.


Thursday, 22 October 2020

 Social Studies 8E - Students handed in the Silk Road Mapping Assignment (Parts A & B) . Read aloud pages 34-36 about the the City-State of Florence.  For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: How Did the City-State of Florence Reflect the Renaissance Worldview?  Students had some time in class to work on the worksheet.

Social Studies 9  - Reviewed the chart on page 3 of the handout: "structure and Roles of the Federal Government" (Plus/minus chart). For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: Election vs. Appointment (font and back). Students should prepare for a "Branches" quiz on Friday, October 23/20.

Social Studies 9D -  Reviewed the chart on page 3 of the handout: "structure and Roles of the Federal Government" (Plus/minus chart). For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: Election vs. Appointment (font and back). Students should prepare for a "Branches" quiz on Friday, October 23/20.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

 Social Studies 8E - Reviewed the material from pages 31-32 (yesterday's material). Reviewed any questions about the Silk Road Mapping Assignment (Parts A & B) due on Thursday, October 22/20. Read Aloud page 33.  Students took notes on how increased contact facilitated the Renaissance.

Social Studies 9  - Reviewed page 35 in the textbook.  Students took notes on the Senate.  Reviewed questions 37-42 in the Chapter 1 Booklet. For homework, students are to complete the chart on page 3 of the handout: "structure and Roles of the Federal Government" (Plus/minus chart). Students should prepare for a "Branches" quiz on Friday, October 23/20.

Social Studies 9D -  Reviewed page 35 in the textbook.  Students took notes on the Senate.  Reviewed questions 37-42 in the Chapter 1 Booklet. For homework, students are to complete the chart on page 3 of the handout: "structure and Roles of the Federal Government" (Plus/minus chart). Students should prepare for a "Branches" quiz on Friday, October 23/20.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

 Social Studies 8E - Read aloud pages 31-32. Students took summary notes on these pages. Students had time to work on the chapter 1 vocabulary words and/or the mappings assignment. Silk Road Mapping Assignment (Parts A & B) due on Thursday, October 22/20.

Social Studies 9  - Reviewed 26-36 in the chapter 1 booklet. Read page 32, and discussed Senate Reform.  Students took notes about various types of Senate Reform.  For homework, students are to read pages 34-35, and complete questions 37-42 regarding the judicial branch. Students should prepare for a "Roles and Processes" quiz on Friday, October 23/20.

Social Studies 9D -  Reviewed 26-36 in the chapter 1 booklet. Read page 32, and discussed Senate Reform.  Students took notes about various types of Senate Reform.  For homework, students are to read pages 34-35, and complete questions 37-42 regarding the judicial branch. Students should prepare for a "Roles and Processes" quiz on Friday, October 23/20.

Monday, 19 October 2020

Social Studies 8E - Read aloud pages 29-30. Students took summary notes on these pages.  Silk Road Mapping Assignment (Parts A & B) due on Thursday, October 22/20.

Social Studies 9  - Reviewed questions 21-25 in the Chapter 1 Booklet.  Reviewed page 31 about the Senate.  Students took summary notes.  For homework, students are to complete questions 26-36 in the chapter 1 booklet.  Students should prepare for a "Roles and Processes" quiz on Friday, October 23/20.

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed questions 21-25 in the Chapter 1 Booklet.  Reviewed page 31 about the Senate.  Students took summary notes.  For homework, students are to complete questions 26-36 in the chapter 1 booklet.  Students should prepare for a "Roles and Processes" quiz on Friday, October 23/20.


Friday, 16 October 2020

 Social Studies 8E - Students handed in their Planning Template today.  Students had class time to work on the Silk Road Mapping Assignment due on October 22/20.

Social Studies 9  - Reviewed Minority and Majority Governments.  Students took notes on the positives and negative of these types of government. Looked at election results from the First Past The Post electoral system, and compared them to the Popular Vote or Proportional Representation system. Reviewed the results from p. 2 of the worksheet: "Structure and Roles of the Federal Government".  For homework, students are to complete questions 21-25 in the Chapter 1 Booklet.  Students should prepare for a "Roles and Processes" quiz towards the end of next week.

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed Minority and Majority Governments.  Students took notes on the positives and negative of these types of government. Looked at election results from the First Past The Post electoral system, and compared them to the Popular Vote or Proportional Representation system. Reviewed the results from p. 2 of the worksheet: "Structure and Roles of the Federal Government".  For homework, students are to complete questions 21-25 in the Chapter 1 Booklet.  Students should prepare for a "Roles and Processes" quiz towards the end of next week.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Social Studies 8E - Continued to work on "Using Your inquiry Skills" on p. 28 of the textbook.  Reviewed different types of questions that students may use to construct their inquiry questions. ***Planning template is due tomorrow*** Handed out and went over the Silk Road Mapping Assignment.  Tomorrow will be a work period to work on the assignment which is due on October 22/20.

Social Studies 9  - Reviewed questions 10-20 from the Chapter 1 Booklet.  Reviewed the Legislative Branch (p. 27).  Reviewed pages 28-30.  Watched a video about Minority and Majority Governments.  Reviewed the First Past The Post electoral system.  Student began to complete p. 2 of the worksheet: "Structure and Roles of the Federal Government", by colouring in the appropriate number of seats for each part on the grid provided.  Page 2 is due tomorrow.

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed questions 10-20 from the Chapter 1 Booklet.  Reviewed the Legislative Branch (p. 27).  Reviewed pages 28-30.  Watched a video about Minority and Majority Governments.  Reviewed the First Past The Post electoral system.  Student began to complete p. 2 of the worksheet: "Structure and Roles of the Federal Government", by colouring in the appropriate number of seats for each part on the grid provided.  Page 2 is due tomorrow.


Wednesday, 14 October 2020

 Social Studies 8E - Reviewed page 28 "Using Your inquiry Skills".  Handed out the template that students will use to plan during the Planning phase. Brainstormed as a class to work on higher order questions. Students will have more time tomorrow to work on this.

Social Studies 9  - Reviewed the Executive Branch.  Most students were not prepared for review.  Students took notes about the Legislative Branch (p. 27).  Watched a portion of Question Period.  Watched part of a video about the House of Commons. Will review questions #10-20 in the Chapter 1 booklet  tomorrow, as we did not have time today. **Bring pencil crayons for next class.**

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed the Executive Branch.  Most students were not prepared for review.  Students took notes about the Legislative Branch (p. 27).  Watched a portion of Question Period.  Watched part of a video about the House of Commons. Will review questions #10-20 in the Chapter 1 booklet  tomorrow, as we did not have time today. **Bring pencil crayons for next class.**

Friday, 9 October 2020

Social Studies 8E - Students handed in the worksheet: Social Structures in the Middle Ages.  Read aloud pages 25-27 in the textbook.  Watched a video about the Black Death.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed questions #7-9 in the Chapter 1 booklet. Review the executive branch on pages 24-25.  For homework, students are to read pages 26-27 and complete questions #10-20 in the Chapter 1 booklet.

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed questions #7-9 in the Chapter 1 booklet. Review the executive branch on pages 24-25.  For homework, students are to read pages 26-27 and complete questions #10-20 in the Chapter 1 booklet.


Thursday, 8 October 2020

Social Studies 8E - Reviewed the previous days' lesson.  Read pages 23-24, and students took notes about the Social Structure in the Middle Ages.  For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: Social Structures in the Middle Ages.  Students had some class time to begin the worksheet.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed questions #5-6 in the Chapter 1 booklet. Students took notes about the division of powers between the municipal, provincial and federal governments.  For homework, students are to complete questions #7-9 in the Chapter 1 booklet.

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed questions #5-6 in the Chapter 1 booklet. Students took notes about the division of powers between the municipal, provincial and federal governments.  For homework, students are to complete questions #7-9 in the Chapter 1 booklet.


Wednesday, 7 October 2020

 Social Studies 8E - Students finished notes about the Crusades.  Read about the Fibonacci sequence on page 22, and watched a video about the sequence.  Began to look at social structure on p. 23.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed questions #1-4 in the Chapter 1 booklet.  Review p. 20 and began to take notes about the structure of the Federal government from p. 22.  For homework, students are to complete the chart from class and use the bullet point on p. 22 to fill in the boxes.  Students also need to complete questions 5-6 in the Chapter 1 booklet.

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed questions #1-4 in the Chapter 1 booklet.  Review p. 20 and began to take notes about the structure of the Federal government from p. 22.  For homework, students are to complete the chart from class and use the bullet point on p. 22 to fill in the boxes.  Students also need to complete questions 5-6 in the Chapter 1 booklet.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Social Studies 8E - Students took notes about the Islamic civilization, and the beginning of the Renaissance - Religious worldview.  Read pages 20-21 about the Crusades.  Students began to take notes about the crusades.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed pages 16-17.  Students watched a video from Rick Mercer Report and completed the accompanying worksheet.  For homework, students are to complete questions #1-4 in the Chapter 1 booklet, and complete the vocabulary for words appearing on these pages.

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed pages 16-17.  Students watched a video from Rick Mercer Report and completed the accompanying worksheet.  For homework, students are to complete questions #1-4 in the Chapter 1 booklet, and complete the vocabulary for words appearing on these pages.


Monday, 5 October 2020

Social Studies 8E - Reviewed the Islamic Civilization from last class.  Read & discussed the image on page 18.  Read p. 19 in the textbook, and discussed the Christian worldview about religion in the middle ages.

Social Studies 9B - Students wrote the Introduction exam today.  Handed out the learning objectives ("I can" statements) for chapter 1, and the vocabulary sheet from Chapter 1.  Students had some time to work on the chapter 1 vocabulary.

Social Studies 9D - Students wrote the Introduction exam today.  Handed out the learning objectives ("I can" statements) for chapter 1, and the vocabulary sheet from Chapter 1.  Students had some time to work on the chapter 1 vocabulary.


Friday, 2 October 2020

Social Studies 8E - Students wrote the Introduction exam.  Students had time to work towards completing their Chapter 1 vocabulary sheets.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the worksheets: "The Gun Law: Pro and Con - The Evolution of Canadian Gun Control" and The Gun Law: Pro and Con - Point/Counterpoint.  Looked at cartoons pertaining to gun ownership. Students should attempt to log onto my Moodle site.  NOTE CHANGE: ***Introduction exam on: Monday, October 5th***

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed the worksheets: "The Gun Law: Pro and Con - The Evolution of Canadian Gun Control" and The Gun Law: Pro and Con - Point/Counterpoint.  Looked at cartoons pertaining to gun ownership. Students should attempt to log onto my Moodle site.  NOTE CHANGE: ***Introduction exam on: Monday, October 5th***


Thursday, 1 October 2020

 Social Studies 8E - Reviewed the worksheet: "How Can You Find Out More About World view?.  Discussed what the format for tomorrow's exam would be. Finished the notes for the  pages 16-17 about the silk road. Read pg. 18 "The Role of Islamic Civilization". For homework, students should study for the exam. ***Introduction exam on: Friday, October 2nd***

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the worksheet: "Identifying the Stakeholders" . Finished watching the video about gun violence in Chicago. Watched a video about the gun registry in Canada.  Looked at statistics about gun ownership around the world. For homework, students are to read and complete the worksheets: "The Gun Law: Pro and Con - The Evolution of Canadian Gun Control" and The Gun Law: Pro and Con - Point/Counterpoint.  Students should underline words they do not understand. Students should attempt to log onto my Moodle site.  NOTE CHANGE: ***Introduction exam on: Monday, October 5th***

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed the worksheet: "Identifying the Stakeholders" .Watched a video about the gun registry in Canada.  Looked at statistics about gun ownership around the world. For homework, students are to read and complete the worksheets: "The Gun Law: Pro and Con - The Evolution of Canadian Gun Control" and The Gun Law: Pro and Con - Point/Counterpoint.  Students should underline words they do not understand. Students should attempt to log onto my Moodle site.  NOTE CHANGE: ***Introduction exam on: Monday, October 5th***