Friday, 28 September 2018

Social Studies 7E -  Reviewed p. 2 & 3 of the booklet up to and not including the questions.  Students should prepare for a map quiz next Monday, October 1, 2018.  Students should make corrections on their maps.
 Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the worksheet: The Gun Law: Pro and Con (Point/Counterpoint). Read pages 11 & 15.**** Introduction quiz on Monday, October 1/18.

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed the worksheet: The Gun Law: Pro and Con (Point/Counterpoint). Read pages 11 & 15.**** Introduction quiz on Monday, October 1/18.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Social Studies 7E -  Watched a video about Elder knowledge keepers and the Franklin expedition. Read page 13 aloud.  For homework, students are to complete p. 2 & 3 of the booklet up to and not including the questions.  Students should prepare for a map quiz next Monday, October 1, 2018.  Students should make corrections on their maps.
 Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the worksheet: "Spot and Respond to the Issue Organizer". For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: The Gun Law: Pro and Con (Point/Counterpoint).**** Introduction quiz on Monday, October 1/18.

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed the worksheet: "Spot and Respond to the Issue Organizer". For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: The Gun Law: Pro and Con (Point/Counterpoint).**** Introduction quiz on Monday, October 1/18.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed p.1-2 of the booklet. (handed out in class).  Read page 12 aloud.  Students should prepare for a map quiz next Monday, October 1, 2018.  Students should make corrections on their maps.
 Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed p. 2  of the stakeholder sheet.  Discussed current events. For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: "Spot and Respond to the Issue Organizer"**** Introduction quiz on Monday, October 1/18.

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed p. 2  of the stakeholder sheet.  Discussed current events. For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: "Spot and Respond to the Issue Organizer"**** Introduction quiz on Monday, October 1/18.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Read about Elders on page 10.  Students worked to complete p.1-2 of the booklet. (handed out in class).  Students should prepare for a map quiz next Monday, October 1, 2018.  Students should make corrections on their maps.
 Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the response question from the previous day.  Worked together to complete a web diagram for stakeholders. Students are to complete the backside of the stakeholder sheet for next class.  **** Introduction quiz on Monday, October 1/18.

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed the response question from the previous day.  Worked together to complete a web diagram for stakeholders. Students are to complete the backside of the stakeholder sheet for next class.  **** Introduction quiz on Monday, October 1/18.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed  vocabulary terms: Worldview, Indigenous, Traditional Teachings.  Read p. 10 aloud.  Handed back the mapping assignments.  Students should prepare for a map quiz next Monday, October 1, 2018.  Students should make corrections on their maps.
 Social Studies 9A  - Watched two videos about gun control (U.S. and Canada).  For homework, students are to read the article:  "The Gun Law: Pro and Con; The Evolution of Canadian Gun Control", and answer the response question on the back page.  Students should prepare for a Introduction quiz early next week.

Social Studies 9C -  Watched two videos about gun control (U.S. and Canada).  For homework, students are to read the article:  "The Gun Law: Pro and Con; The Evolution of Canadian Gun Control", and answer the response question on the back page.  Students should prepare for a Introduction quiz early next week.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed  visual vocab for the term "Natural World".  Read page 8; for homework, students are to do the visual vocabulary for the terms: Worldview, Indigenous, Traditional Teachings.
 Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the "What's your opinion?" worksheet.  Reviewed criteria for constructing issue statements.

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed the "What's your opinion?" worksheet.  Reviewed criteria for constructing issue statements.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the Image Analysis worksheet.  Read aloud p. 7.  For homework, students should complete the visual vocab for the term "Natural World".
 Social Studies 9A  - Students wrote a formative quiz on Quality of Life indicators. Played "Spectrum".  For homework, students are to create issue statements for the images provided. (1 general issue statement, 1 issue statement involving gov't responsibility).

Social Studies 9C -  Students wrote a formative quiz on Quality of Life indicators. Played "Spectrum".  For homework, students are to create issue statements for the images provided. (1 general issue statement, 1 issue statement involving gov't responsibility).

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed page 5 of the textbook.  Read page 6: Interpreting images.  Students are to analyze the image on page 6 using the handout.  If students are not finished, they should do this for next class.
 Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed pages 8-9.  Students took notes on the bullet points on page 9.

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed pages 8-9.  Students took notes on the bullet points on page 9.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Students went on the Voyageur Canoe Trip today.  Any student who did not finish the mapping assignment must come in at lunch tomorrow.
 Social Studies 9A  - Students worked on current events readings and questions.

Social Studies 9C -  Students worked on current events readings and questions.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Read page 5 in the textbook. Reviewed values and beliefs.  Reviewed the term "pluralistic society" from the visual vocab from last day. Students handed in their Canada Mapping Assignment, which was due today.
                             ***Voyageur Canoe Trip on Tuesday, September 18th***

Social Studies 9A  - Watched the video "If the world were 100 people", while completing the recap sheet.  Reviewed the statistics for the video, and related it to quality of life.  For homework, students are to rate and justify their "Top 5" most important quality of life indicators.

Social Studies 9C -  Watched the video "If the world were 100 people", while completing the recap sheet.  Reviewed the statistics for the video, and related it to quality of life.  For homework, students are to rate and justify their "Top 5" most important quality of life indicators.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Read pages 2-4 in the textbook aloud.  For homework, students are to do the visual vocabulary for the term "pluralistic society".
 ***Canada Mapping Assignment due: Monday, September 17th*****
                             ***Voyageur Canoe Trip on Tuesday, September 18th***

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the student's responses to  the chart on page two of the readings.  Students wrote a 5 sentence paragraph justifying the better quality of life between Jose and Emma.  Students took summary notes about quality of life. Students took notes about developing and developed countries.

Social Studies 9C - Students took notes about developing and developed countries.  Watched the video "If the world were 100 people", while completing the recap sheet (will finish viewing next class).

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Students had today's class, to work on the assignment. ***Canada Mapping Assignment due: Monday, September 17th*****
                             ***Voyageur Canoe Trip on Tuesday, September 18th***

Social Studies 9A  - Read aloud Jose and Emma's stories while students highlighted examples of quality of life. Reviewed the students responses to  the chart on page two of the readings. For homework, students are to write 5 sentences justifying the better quality of life between Jose and Emma.

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the student's responses to  the chart on page two of the readings.  Students wrote a 5 sentence paragraph justifying the better quality of life between Jose and Emma.  Students took summary notes about quality of life.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the rest of the geography booklet.  Handed out the Canada Mapping Assignment.  Students had today's class, and will have tomorrow's class to work on the assignment. ***Canada Mapping Assignment due: Monday, September 17th*****
                             ***Voyageur Canoe Trip on Tuesday, September 18th***

Social Studies 9A  - Discussed current situation in Venezuela.  Began to look at Quality of Life.  Students took notes on the 5 aspects of quality of life.

Social Studies 9C -Discussed current situation in Venezuela.  Began to look at Quality of Life.  Students took notes on the 5 aspects of quality of life.  Read aloud Jose and Emma's stories while students highlighted examples of quality of life.  For homework, students are to complete the chart on page two of the readings.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the assigned homework from the geography booklet up to "Geographical Coordinates".  Students had class time to complete the rest of the booklet.
                             ***Voyageur Canoe Trip on Tuesday, September 18th***

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed the worksheet "Point of View and Perspective".  Students completed and went over a review sheets of the ideas from the textbook (p. 2-5).

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed the worksheet "Point of View and Perspective".  Students completed and went over a review sheets of the ideas from the textbook (p. 2-5).

Friday, 7 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Began the geography unit.  Reviewed basic map and globe features.  For homework, students are to complete the pages in the handout up to and including the page on "Geographical Coordinates".
                             ***Voyageur Canoe Trip on Tuesday, September 18th***

Social Studies 9A  - Reviewed Individual and Collective Identity.  Read pages 4-5.  For homework, students are to read pages 5-6 and complete the worksheet "Point of View and Perspective".

Social Studies 9C - Reviewed Individual and Collective Identity.  Read pages 4-5.  For homework, students are to read pages 5-6 and complete the worksheet "Point of View and Perspective".

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Reviewed the Textbook Tour.  Handed out the information letter for the Voyageur field trip on Tuesday, September 18.

Social Studies 9A  - Finished interactive notes about governance, economics, identity, and quality of life.  Students completed the "Identifying Individual Identity" worksheet.

Social Studies 9C - Finished interactive notes about governance, economics, identity, and quality of life.  Students completed the "Identifying Individual Identity" worksheet.

***Meet the Teacher BBQ today at the school from 5-7 pm.******

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Students handed in the Student Survey.  Students had class time to complete the Textbook Tour.  We will review the textbook tour tomorrow.

Social Studies 9A  - Students handed in their Learner Profiles. Reviewed and discussed pages 2-3 in the textbook, and took summary notes about governance and economics.

Social Studies 9C - Students handed in their Learner Profiles. Reviewed and discussed pages 2-3 in the textbook, and took summary notes about governance and economics.

***Meet the Teacher BBQ tomorrow at the school from 5-7 pm.******

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Social Studies 7E - Handed out and reviewed course outline. Students are to complete the Student Survey and turn in tomorrow.

Social Studies 9A  - Handed out and reviewed course outline. Students are to complete the Learner Profile and turn in tomorrow.

Social Studies 9C - Handed out and reviewed course outline. Students are to complete the Learner Profile and turn in tomorrow.