Monday, 30 January 2017

Social Studies 9B -  NO CLASS TODAY. Students wrote the Treaty quiz today. Students worked in groups to complete the  "Perspectives" worksheet (P. 128-135) this must be completed for next class.

Social Studies 9E - Finished reviewing the "Perspectives" worksheet (P. 128-135). Discussed the Indian Act (p. 137).  For homework, students are to complete the "Sentence starters" worksheet (p. 137), read pages 138, 140 and complete the inquiry on the back page.

Social Studies 9G  -  Finished reviewing the "Perspectives" worksheet (P. 128-135). Discussed the Indian Act (p. 137).  For homework, students are to complete the "Sentence starters" worksheet (p. 137), read pages 138, 140 and complete the inquiry on the back page.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Social Studies 9B -  Students wrote the Treaty quiz today. Students worked in groups to complete the  "Perspectives" worksheet (P. 128-135) this must be completed for next class.

Social Studies 9E - Students wrote the Treaty quiz today. Began to review the "Perspectives" worksheet (P. 128-135) this should have been completed for this class.

Social Studies 9G  -  NO CLASS TODAY. Students wrote the Treaty quiz today. Students worked in groups to complete the  "Perspectives" worksheet (P. 128-135) this must be completed for next class.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Social Studies 9B -  Students wrote practice questions for the quiz tomorrow. Reviewed pages 124 - 127.   ***Treaty Quiz (pages 122-127) on Friday, Jan. 27*****

Social Studies 9E - Students wrote practice questions for the quiz tomorrow. Continued to work in groups to complete the "Perspectives" worksheet (P. 128-135) this must be completed for next class. ***Treaty Quiz (pages 122-127) on Friday, Jan. 27*****

Social Studies 9G  -  Students wrote the Treaty quiz today. Students worked in groups to complete the  "Perspectives" worksheet (P. 128-135) this must be completed for next class.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed pages 122 - 125.  Students are to continue the vocabulary for chapter 4 (handout sheet given).  ***Treaty Quiz (pages 122-127) on Friday, Jan. 27*****

Social Studies 9E - Reviewed treaties up to page 127.  Watched two videos about treaties.  Began to work in groups to analyze sources. For homework, students are to complete page 1 of the "Perspectives" worksheet (P. 128-135) for next class. ***Treaty Quiz (pages 122-127) on Friday, Jan. 27*****

Social Studies 9G  - Reviewed treaties up to page 127.  Watched a video about treaties.  Began to  analyze sources (p. 125-138).  ***Treaty Quiz (pages 122-127) on Thursday, Jan. 26*****

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed pages 118-119. Students need to know the material on p. 122.  Students are to continue the vocabulary for chapter 4 (handout sheet given).  ***Treaty Quiz (pages 122-127) on Friday, Jan. 27*****

Social Studies 9E - Reviewed pages 122 - 123.  Watched a video about the Great Peace of Montreal in 1701, and The Royal Proclamation of 1763.  ***Treaty Quiz (pages 122-127) on Friday, Jan. 27*****

Social Studies 9G  - Watched a video about the Great Peace of Montreal in 1701.  Reviewed pages 124-127. ***Treaty Quiz (pages 122-127) on Thursday, Jan. 26*****

Monday, 23 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - Students wrote the chapter 3 exam today. Students should read pages 118-119, and begin to do the vocabulary for chapter 4 (handout sheet given).

Social Studies 9E - NO CLASS TODAY. Students wrote the chapter 3 exam today. Students should read pages 118-119, and begin to do the vocabulary for chapter 4 (handout sheet given).

Social Studies 9G  - Reviewed pages 118-119. Students need to know the material on p. 122.  Students are to continue the vocabulary for chapter 4 (handout sheet given).

Friday, 20 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed case studies on pages  112-115. Quick review of  the study guide and chapter.
*****Chapter 3 exam on Monday, Jan. 23/17*******

Social Studies 9E - Students wrote the chapter 3 exam today. Students should read pages 118-119, and begin to do the vocabulary for chapter 4 (handout sheet given).

Social Studies 9G  - Students wrote the chapter 3 exam today. Students should read pages 118-119, and begin to do the vocabulary for chapter 4 (handout sheet given).  Began the introduction to chapter 4.  Students need to know the material on p. 122.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed case studies on pages  112-115. Quick review of  the study guide and chapter.
*****Chapter 3 exam on Monday, Jan. 23/17*******

Social Studies 9E -  Reviewed case studies on pages  112-115.  Quick review of  the study guide and chapter. *****Chapter 3 exam on Friday, Jan. 20/17*******

Social Studies 9G  - NO CLASS TODAY. Finished reviewing the video questions for Chandler's Mill.  Discussed pages 112-115 and the charter challenges. *****Chapter 3 exam on Friday, Jan. 20/17*******

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - Finished watching the video Chandler's Mill about unions.  Began to review the questions from the video recap sheet.  Will finish next class. Students should read pages 112-115.
*****Chapter 3 exam on Monday, Jan. 23/17*******

Social Studies 9E -   Reviewed the video questions for the video Chandler's Mill.  Discussed pages 112-115 and the charter challenges. *****Chapter 3 exam on Friday, Jan. 20/17*******

Social Studies 9G  -Finished reviewing the video questions for Chandler's Mill.  Discussed pages 112-115 and the charter challenges. *****Chapter 3 exam on Friday, Jan. 20/17*******

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed pages 105 - 108 and the recap chart worksheet and challenge questions.  Analyzed the cartoon on page 108 and complete the worksheet.  Began to watch a video about labour unions.
*****Chapter 3 exam on Monday, Jan. 23/17*******

Social Studies 9E -   Finished reviewing  the recap chart on charter challenges. Reviewed the cartoon analysis (worksheet) for p. 108.  Watched the movie Chandler's Mill.  Students should complete the video viewing questions for the video for next class. *****Chapter 3 exam on Friday, Jan. 20/17*******

Social Studies 9G  -Finished watching the video about unions.  Students completed a video viewing sheet while they watched the video. Began to review the video questions.  Will finish next day.
*****Chapter 3 exam on Friday, Jan. 20/17*******

Monday, 16 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed cause & effect for the internment camp worksheets.  For homework, students are to read pages 105 - 108 and complete the recap chart worksheet and challenge questions.  Chapter 3 study guides given out today.

*****Chapter 3 exam on Monday, Jan. 23/17*******

Social Studies 9E -   Reviewed cause & effect for the internment camp worksheets. Students had class time to complete the readings on pages 105 - 108 and complete the recap chart worksheet and challenge questions. Began to review the chart.  Students should also complete the cartoon analysis (worksheet) for p. 108.  Students also began to read pages 115 - 118.
Chapter 3 study guides given out today.
*****Chapter 3 exam on Friday, Jan. 20/17*******

Social Studies 9G  -Reviewed pages 105 - 108 and the recap chart worksheet and challenge questions.  Analyzed the cartoon on page 108 and complete the worksheet. Began to watch a video about unions.  Students completed a video viewing sheet while they watched the video. (will finish the video next day.)

Chapter 3 study guides given out today.
*****Chapter 3 exam on Friday, Jan. 20/17*******


Friday, 13 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed cause and effect worksheet for women's voting rights.  Students worked together to complete the internment camps worksheets.  This should be completed for next class.

Social Studies 9E -  NO CLASS TODAY.  Reviewed cause and effect worksheet for women's voting rights.  Students worked together to complete the internment camps worksheets.  This should be completed for next class.

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed cause & effect for the internment camp worksheets.  For homework, students are to read pages 105 - 108 and complete the recap chart worksheet and challenge questions.

 ******Students should prepare for the Chapter 3 exam in the latter part of next week********

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY. Students worked in groups to complete a worksheet identifying rights and events pre-charter. Read about Cause & Effect (p.104).  Worked through a worksheet examining cause and effect for pages 100-103.  Worked through the example of the Indian Act together.  For homework, students are to complete the second page (women's voting rights).

Social Studies 9E -  Reviewed cause and effect worksheet for women's voting rights.  Students worked together to complete the internment camps worksheets.  This should be completed for next class.

Social Studies 9G - Read about Cause & Effect (p.104).  Worked through a worksheet examining cause and effect for pages 100-103.  Worked through the examples of the Indian Act, and women's voting rights together.  Students worked in groups to complete the internment camp worksheets.

 ******Students should prepare for the Chapter 3 exam in the latter part of next week********

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - Students worked in groups to complete a worksheet identifying rights and events pre-charter. Read about Cause & Effect (p.104).  Worked through a worksheet examining cause and effect for pages 100-103.  Worked through the example of the Indian Act together.  For homework, students are to complete the second page (women's voting rights).

Social Studies 9E -  Reviewed questions d-g on the backside of the worksheet from last class.  Read about Cause & Effect (p.104).  Worked through a worksheet examining cause and effect for pages 100-103.  Worked through the example of the Indian Act together.  For homework, students are to complete the second page (women's voting rights).

Social Studies 9G - NO CLASS TODAY. Finished reviewing Japanese internment and the interactive bookmark.Students worked in groups to complete a worksheet identifying rights and events pre-charter.  Reviewed the worksheet in class.

******Students should prepare for the Chapter 3 exam in the latter part of next week********

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed pages 100 - 103 and the interactive bookmark. 

Social Studies 9E -  Reviewed pages 100 - 103 and the interactive bookmark. Students worked in groups to complete a worksheet identifying rights and events pre-charter. For homework, students are to complete questions d-g on the backside of the worksheet for next class.

Social Studies 9G - Finished reviewing Japanese internment and the interactive bookmark.Students worked in groups to complete a worksheet identifying rights and events pre-charter.  Reviewed the worksheet in class.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed pages 97-98.  Took notes about rights and responsibilities.  Students completed the worksheet identifying responsibilities and rights (reviewed in class). Read page 99.  Watched a video about Pierre Trudeau using the War Measures Act to suspend rights during the October Crisis of 1970. For homework, students are to read pages 100 - 103 and using the 5W's summarize the events using the interactive bookmark. 

Social Studies 9E -  Reviewed pages 97-98.  Watched a video about Pierre Trudeau using the War Measures Act to suspend rights during the October Crisis of 1970.  For homework, students are to read pages 100 - 103 and using the 5W's summarize the events using the interactive bookmark.

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed pages 97-98.  Began to review pages 100 - 103 and the interactive bookmark.