Thursday, 22 December 2016

Social Studies 9B - Students handed in the illustrated summary using the ideas on p. 96 . Reviewed pages 97-98. 

Social Studies 9E -  NO CLASS TODAY.  Students handed in the illustrated summary using the ideas on p. 96 . Reviewed pages 97-98.  Took notes about rights and responsibilities.  Students completed the worksheet identifying responsibilities and rights (reviewed in class).

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed page 99.  Began to look at historic human rights events in Canada.  For homework, students are to read pages 100 - 103 and using the 5W's summarize the events using the interactive bookmark.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Social Studies 9B - NO CLASS TODAY. Watched a video about the Magna Carta. Examined the difference between rights vs. freedoms. Took notes from pages 96.  For homework, students are to complete the illustrated summary using the ideas on p. 96 (Due Thursday, Dec. 21)

Social Studies 9E -  Students handed in the illustrated summary using the ideas on p. 96 . Reviewed pages 97-98.  Took notes about rights and responsibilities.  Students completed the worksheet identifying responsibilities and rights (reviewed in class).

Social Studies 9G - Students handed in the illustrated summary using the ideas on p. 96 . Reviewed pages 97-98.  Took notes about rights and responsibilities.  Students completed the worksheet identifying responsibilities and rights (reviewed in class).

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Social Studies 9B - Watched a video about the Magna Carta. Examined the difference between rights vs. freedoms. Took notes from pages 96.  For homework, students are to complete the illustrated summary using the ideas on p. 96 (Due Thursday, Dec. 21) 

Social Studies 9E -  Finished notes about ideas in the charter.  Took notes from pages 97-98 about individual rights in the charter.  For homework, students are to complete the illustrated summary using the ideas on p. 96 (Due Wednesday, Dec. 21) 

Social Studies 9G - NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed pages 88-89, 92-95.  Students took notes on page 96.  For homework, students are to complete the illustrated summary using the ideas on p. 96 (Due Wednesday, Dec. 21) 

Monday, 19 December 2016

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the third column of the video recap sheet identifying their top ten rights in order of importance; Looked at the beginning of human rights globally; watched a video about the Magna Carta.

Social Studies 9E -  Students took notes on page 96.  For homework, students are to complete the illustrated summary using the ideas on p. 96 (Due Wednesday, Dec. 21) 

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed pages 88-89, 92-95.  Students took notes on page 96.  For homework, students are to complete the illustrated summary using the ideas on p. 96 (Due Wednesday, Dec. 21) 

Friday, 16 December 2016

Social Studies 9B - Students wrote the Ch. 2 exam today.  Watched a video about disappearing rights. Completed the three columns of the video recap sheet.  For homework, students are to complete the third column of the video recap sheet identifying their top ten rights in order of importance, and read pages 88-89, 92-95.

Social Studies 9E - Students wrote the Ch. 2 exam today. Finished the video about the Magna Carta. Finished looking at the evolution of rights globally. Students took notes on the difference between rights and freedoms. Students took notes from the charter presentation about ideas within the charter.  For homework, students are to read pages 88-89., 92-95.

Social Studies 9G - Students wrote the Ch. 2 exam today. For homework, students are to read pages 88-89, 92-95. 

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Social Studies 9B - Students completed a "walk-in assignment" regarding the case of the Microwave Cat. *****Chapter 2 exam tomorrow******

Social Studies 9E - Watched a video about disappearing rights. Completed the three columns of the video recap sheet. Began to discuss where rights come from. Watched a video about the Magna Carta. *****Chapter 2 exam tomorrow******

 Social Studies 9G - Completed the powerpoint about where rights came from. Students took notes from the charter presentation about ideas within the charter.  For homework, students are to read pages 88-89.  *****Chapter 2 exam tomorrow******

***All students should prepare for the Ch. 2 Exam on Friday, December 16th.*********

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the summary sheet on Jury duty and advocacy groups (p. 82-85). 

Social Studies 9E - NO CLASS TODAY. Students completed a "walk-in assignment" regarding the case of the Microwave Cat.

Social Studies 9G - Completed the third column of our video recap sheet from the previous day.  Began to discuss where rights come from. Watched a video about the Magna Carta.

***All students should prepare for the Ch. 2 Exam on Friday, December 16th.*********

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Social Studies 9B -  NO CLASS TODAY. Students handed in the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon".  Reviewed   pages 78-83 about serving on a Jury. Students took notes on Advocacy groups.  For homework, student are to complete the summary sheet on Jury duty and advocacy groups (p. 82-85).  Handed out study notes to students.

Social Studies 9E - Students completed a "walk-in assignment" regarding the case of the Microwave Cat.

Social Studies 9G - Students completed a "walk-in assignment" regarding the case of the Microwave Cat and watched a video about what if rights disappeared?

***All students should prepare for the Ch. 2 Exam on Friday, December 16th.*********

Monday, 12 December 2016

Social Studies 9B -  Students handed in the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon".  Reviewed   pages 78-83 about serving on a Jury. Students took notes on Advocacy groups.  For homework, student are to complete the summary sheet on Jury duty and advocacy groups (p. 82-85).  Handed out study notes to students.

Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the worksheet containing the questions about advocacy groups. Handed out study notes to students.

Social Studies 9G - NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed the questions about advocacy groups, and students took summary notes.  Summary notes were given to the students.

***All students should prepare for the Ch. 2 Exam on Friday, December 16th.*********

Friday, 9 December 2016

Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed the four cartoons, and the answers to the questions on the summary sheet.  For homework,  (formation feedback), students are to analyze the cartoon on the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon". (this must be handed in next class.)   Students should also read pages 78-83 about serving on a Jury.

Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the jury worksheet. For homework, students are to read pages 82-85 and complete section "II" Advocacy groups.

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed the questions about advocacy groups, and students took summary notes.  Summary notes were given to the students.

***All students should prepare for the Ch. 2 Exam on Friday, December 16th.*********

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed the articles on pages 72-73, and the answers to the questions on the summary sheet. Went over the worksheet about "Myths" Reviewed p. 74 How to analyze a political cartoon.  Worked through several examples.  For homework, students are to analyze the four cartoons, and summarize using the summary sheet.  Also, for formation feedback, students are to analyze the cartoon on the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon". (this must be handed in next class.)

Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the four cartoons, and students handed in for formation feedback, the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon".  Began to discuss how citizens are active in the judicial process, and how citizens serve on a jury. Students should read pages 78-83, and do the accompanying questions on the front page of the handout.

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed the jury worksheet. For homework, students are to read pages 82-85 and complete section "II" Advocacy groups.

***All students should prepare for the Ch. 2 Exam on Friday, December 16th.*********

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed the graph on p. 71.  For homework, students are to to read the articles on pages 72-73, and answer the questions on the summary sheet. Students should also read the worksheet: "Myths About Youth Crime in Canada.", and answer questions 1-5.

Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the articles on pages 72-73, and the answers to the questions on the summary sheet. Reviewed p. 74 How to analyze a political cartoon.  Worked through several examples.  For homework, students are to analyze the four cartoons, and summarize using the summary sheet.  Also, for formation feedback, students are to analyze the cartoon on the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon". (this must be handed in next class.)

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed the four cartoons, and students handed in for formation feedback, the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon".  Began to discuss how citizens are active in the judicial process, and how citizens serve on a jury. Students should read pages 78-83, and do the accompanying questions on the front page of the handout.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Social Studies 9B -  NO CLASS (again) TODAY due to hour of code.  Reviewed the handout sheet: "What are the objectives of the YCJA?" (using p. 70). Examined the case of the Microwave Cat.

Social Studies 9E - NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed the worksheet "Myths About Youth Crime in Canada."  For homework, students are to read the articles on pages 72-73, and answer the questions on the summary sheet.

Social Studies 9G -  Finished the worksheet: "Myths About Youth Crime in Canada.". Began to analyze cartoons using the guidelines on page 74.  For homework, students are to analyze  the four cartoons, and summarize using the summary sheet.  Also, for formation feedback, students are to analyze the cartoon on the worksheet: "Examining an Editorial Cartoon". (this must be handed in next class.)

Monday, 5 December 2016

Social Studies 9B -  NO CLASS TODAY.  Reviewed the handout sheet: "What are the objectives of the YCJA?" (using p. 70). Examined the case of the Microwave Cat.

Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the worksheet "Myths About Youth Crime in Canada."  For homework, students are to read the articles on pages 72-73, and answer the questions on the summary sheet.

Social Studies 9G - Reviewed the newspaper articles on pages 72-73 and the questions on the summary sheet. Students read the worksheet: "Myths About Youth Crime in Canada.", and answered the questions.  We will finish the review of the questions next class.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Social Studies 9B -  Reviewed the handout sheet: "What are the objectives of the YCJA?" (using p. 70). Examined the case of the Microwave Cat.

Social Studies 9E - Reviewed the chart on p. 71.  For homework, students are to answer the questions accompanying the worksheet "Myths About Youth Crime in Canada." (due next class).

Social Studies 9G - NO CLASS TODAY. For homework, students are to read the newspaper articles on pages 72-73 and answer the questions on the summary sheet.