Friday, 30 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Finished pages 40-41 "How to pass a Bill".  Students are to complete questions 3-6 on the How to pass a bill worksheet. Watched a video about the constitution. Handed out "Understanding Canadian Government" Questions (Due: Nov. 5/15)

Social studies 9E -  Reviewed questions 3-6 for next class. Watched a video about the constitution.
Handed out "Understanding Canadian Government" Questions (Due: Nov. 5/15)

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed Questions #1-2 on the handout "Focus Question #2., and questions 43-46 in their booklet. Began to look at pages 40-41 "How to pass a Bill".

Social studies 9E -  Reviewed  Questions #1-2 on the handout "Focus Question #2.,  Reviewed how a bill is passed on pages 40-41.  For homework, students are to complete 3-6 for next class.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed Questions #1-2 on the handout "Focus Question #2., and questions 43-46 in their booklet. Began to look at pages 40-41 "How to pass a Bill".

Social studies 9E -  NO CLASS TODAY. Reviewed questions 37-42 in the booklet. Students wrote a formative quiz today. Students completed the worksheet: "Branches of the Federal Government". Reviewed the worksheet. For homework, students are to Read pages 38-39 in the textbook, complete Questions #1-2 on the handout "Focus Question #2., 

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Students wrote a formative quiz today. Students completed the worksheet: "Branches of the Federal Government". Reviewed the worksheet. For homework, students are to Read pages 38-39 in the textbook, complete Questions #1-2 on the handout "Focus Question #2., and questions 43-46 in their booklet.

Social studies 9E -  Reviewed questions 37-42 in the booklet. Students wrote a formative quiz today. Students completed the worksheet: "Branches of the Federal Government". Reviewed the worksheet. For homework, students are to Read pages 38-39 in the textbook, complete Questions #1-2 on the handout "Focus Question #2.,

Monday, 26 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Students finished working in pairs to complete the worksheet: Appointed vs. Elected. Reviewed the worksheet.

Social studies 9E -  No class today. Students are to complete questions 37-42 for next class.

***Students should prepare for a Roles/Processes quiz tomorrow******

Friday, 23 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed questions 37-42. Began to examine the issue of Appointed vs. Elected.

Social studies 9E -  Reviewed the Speech from the Throne, and watched a video about the speech. Discussed the Judicial system (page 35) Students are to complete questions 37-42 for next class.

***Students should prepare for a Roles/Processes quiz early next week******

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed questions 20-36 in the booklet: Issues for Canadians, Chapter 1. Discussed the Judicial system (page 35) Students are to complete questions 37-42 for next class.

Social studies 9E - Reviewed questions 20-36 in the booklet: Issues for Canadians, Chapter 1. Discussed the Judicial system (page 35) Students are to complete questions 37-42 for next class.

***Students should prepare for a Roles/Processes quiz early next week******

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  NO CLASS TODAY.  For homework (due Thursday), students are to complete questions 20-36 in the booklet: Issues for Canadians, Chapter 1.

Social studies 9E - NO CLASS TODAY.  For homework (due Thursday), students are to complete questions 20-36 in the booklet: Issues for Canadians, Chapter 1.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  NO CLASS TODAY.  For homework (due Thursday), students are to complete questions 20-36 in the booklet: Issues for Canadians, Chapter 1.

Social studies 9E - NO CLASS TODAY.  For homework (due Thursday), students are to complete questions 20-36 in the booklet: Issues for Canadians, Chapter 1.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Students handed in the senate worksheet. Reviewed the senate (p. 31-33). Discussed the Triple "E" Senate.  Students made an election prediction.  For homework (due Thursday), students are to complete questions 20-36 in the booklet: Issues for Canadians, Chapter 1.

Social studies 9E -Students handed in the senate worksheet. Reviewed the senate (p. 31-33). Discussed the Triple "E" Senate.  Students made an election prediction.  For homework (due Thursday), students are to complete questions 20-36 in the booklet: Issues for Canadians, Chapter 1.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Social Studies 9C - Finished discussing FPTP & popular vote.  Reviewed the senate. (P. 31-33)  Students are to complete the senate worksheet for next class.

Social studies 9E - NO CLASS TODAY.  Finished discussing FPTP & popular vote.  Reviewed the senate.  Students are to complete the senate worksheet for next class.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed majority and minority governments. (p. 28).  Coloured the handout about Number of seats vs. Popular Vote. (this is to be completed for next class).

Social studies 9E - Finished discussing FPTP & popular vote.  Reviewed the senate.  Students are to complete the senate worksheet for next class.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Researched political parties and candidates. Students took notes about the number of seats in the House of Commons. Discussed strategic voting.

Social studies 9E - Reviewed majority and minority governments. (p. 28) Watched a video about FPTP.  Coloured the handout about Number of seats vs. Popular Vote.

********StudentVote Tomorrow!!!*********************************************

Friday, 9 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  No class today.  

Social studies 9E - Researched political parties and candidates.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Researched political parties today.

Social studies 9E -  No Class today. BYOD tomorrow for class research.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Guest Speaker from Elections Canada today.

Social studies 9E - Discussed the legislative branch today.  Looked at voting trends in Canada in the last election.  Guest Speaker from Elections Canada today.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Watched a portion of Rick Mercer Report. Reviewed the Executive Branch.  Looked at portfolios (p. 25) of textbook.

Social studies 9E - No class today.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed page1 of the Chapter 1 booklet.  Discussed the executive branch of the government.

Social studies 9E - Reviewed pages1 & 2 of the Chapter 1 booklet.  Discussed the executive and legilative branchs of the government.  Watched a video about the prime minister and cabinet.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  Reviewed the recap sheet for the introductory video about aspects of democracy in Canada.  Students are read pages 20-27 and complete the first three (3) pages of the Chapter 1 booklet.

Social studies 9E - Students are read pages 20-27 and complete the first three (3) pages of the Chapter 1 booklet.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Social Studies 9C -  No class today.

Social studies 9E - Reviewed the recap sheet for the introductory video about aspects of democracy in Canada. Watched a Rick Mercer video about how we are governed. Handed out "I can Statements". Watched a video about the federal governments' response to a food recall in Canada.