Thursday, 26 March 2015

Social Studies 8G -Students worked in groups to begin making charts to illustrate and define the Aztec political system, and the Spanish political system.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed "What If" statements about supply and demand. Students should prepare for a supply and demand quiz when they return from spring break.

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed "What If" statements about supply and demand. Students should prepare for a supply and demand quiz when they return from spring break.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Social Studies 8G -Reviewed Moctezuma leadership style. Students took notes on forms of government and economic systems.

Social Studies 9B - No class today due to H.S. orientation. Students are to complete the "What If" statements about supply and demand for next class.

Social Studies 9D - No class today due to H.S. orientation. Students are to complete the "What If" statements about supply and demand for next class.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Social Studies 8G -Reviewed current events.  Finished discussing the questions on page 268, regarding clothing and social status. Read about Moctezuma on p. 272 and discuss leadership style.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed pages 209 - 211 about supply and demand.  Students are to complete the "What If" statements about supply and demand for next class.

Social Studies 9D - Finished looking at  the U.S. economy on page 208. Reviewed pages 209 - 211 about supply and demand.  Students are to complete the "What If" statements about supply and demand for next class.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Social Studies 8G -Reviewed current events.  Began to discuss the questions on page 268, regarding clothing and social status.

Social Studies 9B - Students did not complete the assigned homework, (students were to read pages 205-208 and complete the worksheet about the Public Good). So.... students took notes on pages 205-208.

Social Studies 9D - Students did not complete the assigned homework, (students were to read pages 205-208 and complete the worksheet about the Public Good). So.... students took notes on pages 205-208.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Students continued group work to create spreadsheets to look at Aztec/Spanish social systems.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the worksheet: Mixed, Market, or Centrally Planned? For homework, students are to read pages 205-208 and complete the worksheet about the Public Good.

Social Studies 9D -  Finished reviewing the worksheet: Mixed, Market, or Centrally Planned? For homework, students are to read pages 205-208 and complete the worksheet about the Public Good.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Students began group work to create spreadsheets to look at Aztec/Spanish social systems.

Social Studies 9B - Students wrote a Basic Economics quiz.  Students completed the worksheet: Mixed, Market, or Centrally Planned? Began to review worksheet.

Social Studies 9D -  Students wrote a Basic Economics quiz.  Students completed the worksheet: Mixed, Market, or Centrally Planned? Began to review worksheet.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Students wrote an in-class assignment today.

Social Studies 9B - Discussed page 204. Discussed Market vs. Planned Economy. Students are to complete the charts for the Economic spectrum and the Basic Economic Questions. Students should prepare for a quiz from the chapter introduction to material taught to date.

Social Studies 9D -  Discussed page 204. Discussed Market vs. Planned Economy. Students are to complete the charts for the Economic spectrum and the Basic Economic Questions. Students should prepare for a quiz from the chapter introduction to material taught to date.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Students wrote Chapter 7 exam today. Chapter 8 vocabulary given to students.

Social Studies 9B - Discussed page 204. Took notes on different economic systems.  Students should prepare for a quiz from the chapter introduction to material taught to date.

Social Studies 9D -  Discussed page 204. Took notes on different economic systems.  Students should prepare for a quiz from the chapter introduction to material taught to date.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Reviewed pages 257 - 259.  Discussed creation stories. ***Chapter 7 Tuesday, March 17.***

Social Studies 9B - Recapped Jungle or Zoo activity. Students took splashdown notes.

Social Studies 9D -  Recapped Jungle or Zoo activity. Students took splashdown notes.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Finished reviewing the worksheet:The Spanish Monarchy (p. 254 - 256). Will cover creation stories on Monday.  ***Chapter 7 Tuesday, March 17.***

Social Studies 9B - Covered and took notes on pages 202 - 203.  Partner work (Jungle or Zoo?)  Will recap next day.

Social Studies 9D -  Covered and took notes on pages 202 - 203.  Partner work (Jungle or Zoo?)  Will recap next day.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Began to review the worksheet:The Spanish Monarchy (p. 254 - 256).   ***Chapter 7 Tuesday, March 17.***

Social Studies 9B - Viewed videos #3 & 4 about economics. Homework is to read pages 194-201

Social Studies 9D -  Began Ch. 6 began to talk about scarcity. Reviewed pages 194-201.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Finished reviewing the worksheet: The Rise of the Aztecs; reviewed notes. began reading about the rise of The Spanish Monarchy (p. 254 - 256).  Worksheet is due tomorrow. ***Chapter 7 Tuesday, March 17.***

Social Studies 9B - Guest speaker today.  Finished reviewing the second viewing sheet for the second video.

Social Studies 9D -  Guest speaker today. Watched the final two videos about economics. 

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Began to review the worksheet: The Rise of the Aztecs (will finish next class). Chapter 7 exam next week.

Social Studies 9B - Began Chapter 6 today.  Watched two videos introducing economics. Students were given the "I Can" statements and a vocabulary worksheet.

Social Studies 9D -  Began Chapter 6 today.  Watched two videos introducing economics. Students were given the "I Can" statements and a vocabulary worksheet.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Students are to read pages 249 - 253; make summary notes and complete the worksheet: The Rise of the Aztecs (for next class).  Handed out a summary sheet for Ch. 7.

Social Studies 9B - Students wrote the Chapter 5 exam today.

Social Studies 9D - Students wrote the Chapter 5 exam today.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Finished discussing p.248 and Itcoatl's leadership qualities. Reviewed worksheet about Geography and worldview.

Social Studies 9B - Students handed in the Immigration Statistics worksheet which was due today. Students completed the Canadian Citizenship exam.   ***Chapter 5 exam on Monday, March 9th.*****

Social Studies 9D - Students completed the Canadian Citizenship exam.   ***Chapter 5 exam on Monday, March 9th.*****

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Reviewed Canadian leaders.  Began to discuss p.248 and Itcoatl's leadership qualities.

Social Studies 9B - Students completed the Immigration Statistics worksheet which is due tomorrow. Students are to complete the immigration chart worksheet (reviews all immigration policies) for Thursday's class.  Thursday's class: Canadian Citizenship exam.  Immigration Issues questions are due: Wednesday: March 4th.  ***Chapter 5 exam on Monday, March 9th.*****

Social Studies 9D - Students are to complete the immigration chart worksheet (reviews all immigration policies) for Thursday's class.  Thursday's class: Canadian Citizenship exam.  Immigration Issues questions are due: Wednesday: March 4th.  ***Chapter 5 exam on Monday, March 9th.*****


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Reviewed the worksheet  The Aztecs: Contact with Meso-America societies. Began to discuss leaders.  For homework, students are to read p.248.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the Canada-Quebec Accord (p.191). Students are to complete the immigration chart worksheet (reviews all immigration policies) for Thursday's class.  Bring drawing tools to next class. Thursday's class: Canadian Citizenship exam.  Immigration Issues questions are due: Wednesday: March 4th.  ***Chapter 5 exam on Monday, March 9th.*****

Social Studies 9D - Reviewed the Canada-Quebec Accord (p.191). Thursday's class: Canadian Citizenship exam.  Immigration Issues questions are due: Wednesday: March 4th.  ***Chapter 5 exam on Monday, March 9th.*****

Monday, 2 March 2015

Social Studies 8G - Reviewed the worksheet about the Legacy of the Moors on Spain. Read pages 244 - 247. For homework, students are to complete the worksheet: The Aztecs: Contact with Meso-America societies.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the paragraph response about French language immigrants. Discussed pages: 186-190, and the Provincial Nomination Program. Immigration Issues questions are due: Wednesday: March 4th. 

Social Studies 9D - Students worked on the Immigration Statistics worksheet which is due on Tuesday, March 2. Immigration Issues questions are due: Wednesday: March 4th.