Friday, 7 March 2025

 Social Studies 9A -  Students worked in partners to complete the worksheet: "Consequences of Immigration".  Reviewed the worksheet as a class.

Social Studies 9B - Students worked in partners to complete the worksheet: "Consequences of Immigration".  Reviewed the worksheet as a class. Students took notes about the Singh decision (p. 180).

 Social Studies 9E - Students worked in partners to complete the worksheet: "Consequences of Immigration".  Reviewed the worksheet as a class.

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Social Studies 9A -  Students completed the Student Budget Consultation.  Reviewed the readings on pages 174 & 178.  Reviewed the legislation on page 179 about the revised "Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, 2002".  Looked at the pie chart on page 180 about the languages the immigrants to Canada speak.

Social Studies 9B - Students completed the Student Budget Consultation.  Reviewed the readings on pages 174 & 178.  Reviewed the legislation on page 179 about the revised "Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, 2002".  Looked at the pie chart on page 180 about the languages the immigrants to Canada speak.

 Social Studies 9E - Students completed the Student Budget Consultation.  Reviewed the readings on pages 174 & 178.  Reviewed the legislation on page 179 about the revised "Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, 2002".  Looked at the pie chart on page 180 about the languages the immigrants to Canada speak.

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

  Social Studies 9A -  Reviewed page 177 about Canada's refugee policy and objectives. Students took notes.  Watched a video about refugees in refugee camps. Students are to read pages 174 and 178 for next class.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed page 177 about Canada's refugee policy and objectives. Students took notes.  Watched a video about refugees in refugee camps. Students are to read pages 174 and 178 for next class.

 Social Studies 9E - Reviewed page 177 about Canada's refugee policy and objectives. Students took notes.  Watched a video about refugees in refugee camps. Students are to read pages 174 and 178 for next class.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

  Social Studies 9A -  Students "peer reviewed" the paragraph response from last class. Discussed types of evidence and supporting  one's position with rich explanations.  Reviewed page 173 (looking at Canada's past immigration policies) using the Komagata Maru and the Chinese Head Tax as examples.

Social Studies 9B - Students "peer reviewed" the paragraph response from last class. Discussed types of evidence and supporting  one's position with rich explanations.  Reviewed page 173 (looking at Canada's past immigration policies) using the Komagata Maru and the Chinese Head Tax as examples.

 Social Studies 9E - Students "peer reviewed" the paragraph response from last class. Discussed types of evidence and supporting  one's position with rich explanations.  Reviewed page 173 (looking at Canada's past immigration policies) using the Komagata Maru and the Chinese Head Tax as examples.

Monday, 3 March 2025

 Social Studies 9A -  Reviewed the evidence from Article #1 - Make immigration work for Canada".  Read aloud Article #2 "Elderly immigrants contribute".  Reviewed evidence from this article.  Discussed anecdotal vs. statistical evidence.  For homework, students are to write a paragraph response summarizing which author they most agree with.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the evidence from Article #1 - Make immigration work for Canada".  Read aloud Article #2 "Elderly immigrants contribute".  Reviewed evidence from this article.  Discussed anecdotal vs. statistical evidence.  For homework, students are to write a paragraph response summarizing which author they most agree with.

 Social Studies 9E -   Reviewed the evidence from Article #1 - Make immigration work for Canada".  Read aloud Article #2 "Elderly immigrants contribute".  Reviewed evidence from this article.  Discussed anecdotal vs. statistical evidence.  For homework, students are to write a paragraph response summarizing which author they most agree with.

Friday, 28 February 2025

  Social Studies 9A -  Reviewed the Immigration officer activity. Students took notes from page 172.  Students read the article: "Make immigration work for Canada".  Students were to number the paragraphs, highlight the evidence, and circle unfamiliar vocabulary words.  Student were then to complete the evidence sheet provided.

Social Studies 9B - Reviewed the Immigration officer activity. Students took notes from page 172.  Students read the article: "Make immigration work for Canada".  Students were to number the paragraphs, highlight the evidence, and circle unfamiliar vocabulary words.  Student were then to complete the evidence sheet provided.

 Social Studies 9E -   Reviewed the Immigration officer activity. Students took notes from page 172.  Students read the article: "Make immigration work for Canada".  Students were to number the paragraphs, highlight the evidence, and circle unfamiliar vocabulary words.  Student were then to complete the evidence sheet provided.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

 Social Studies 9A -  Students read pages 169-170; 172.  Students worked to evaluate potential immigrants using the point system.  We will evaluate the system next class.

Social Studies 9B -  Students read pages 169-170; 172.  Students worked to evaluate potential immigrants using the point system.  We will evaluate the system next class.

 Social Studies 9E -   Students read pages 169-170; 172.  Students worked to evaluate potential immigrants using the point system.  We will evaluate the system next class.